| Chapter 30 |

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A/N Dedicated to itsmychocolatebar for voting and commenting a lot. Your comments mean a lot to me and they're so funny. Stay beautiful! x

I'm the author and I ship Chraniella so much omg. Is that concieted? I guess so.

This is earlier than usual but that's only because I won't be able to update anytime soon. I have to attend a wedding :'( I hate parties/weddings so much.

And to think that people consider me 'social'.

But if you are leaving,
I want you to know that I shoulda loved you way more, way more.
So if this is the end of us now...
I'll see you around.
- See You Around, Chris Brown.

Chapter 30

Weeks had gone by.

Weeks of countless road trips, numerous sleepovers, petty arguments, a few trips to some festivals, a couple of parties (in which I didn't attend), and plenty of trips to McDonald's.

I can very well say that it is my last day here in Melbourne, Australia.

Rain outside began violently splashing down on the concrete, causing puddles in the very process. I stared out the window, not bothering to say or do anything. What was there to say? With a sigh, I twisted to face the television and silently watched MasterChef.

"Are you coming with us tomorrow?" I asked Christopher.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Where?"

"To the airport," I replied.

"Why would I come with you to the airport?" he questioned, licking his lips.

"To say goodbye. It's not like you have school tomorrow, right?"

"I can just say goodbye to your family over here," he shrugged.

"What about me?"

His eyebrows rose in confusion. "What about you?"

I smiled sadly and shook my head. "Never mind." That was the remnant of our conversation for the day.

Christopher was a dick head.

But I like this dick head.

But, having said all that, Christopher's attitude changed towards me. He didn't ever call me fat again, nor did he call me ugly; in fact, on rare occasions, he'd hand me compliments. For example, one day, he complimented me on my hair and said that 'your hair looks nice like that'. A day later, he told me and I quote 'you look nice today.' When I broke down the news to Delina and Jasmine, they began screeching at the top of my lungs.

After coming back from the pizzeria, Christopher and I made out in his car and he even went as far to give me a few hickeys. But things never went my way, because my father caught us making out in the car and handed us a huge lecture, one that lasted a whole hour. Turns out, he was standing outside the window watching us making out, much to my utter chagrin. I just hope that he hadn't noticed us using tongue, or when I 'accidentally' rubbed myself against Christopher.

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