| Chapter 17 |

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Chapter 17 edited 8/9/2016

"I'm going to pretend you never said that."

Delina rolled her eyes. "You just have a bad taste in guys."

Now, it was Jasmine's turn to roll her eyes. "Delina, he's forty."

"Fifty," she corrected.

"Thirty-six," I corrected the both of them, looking up from my phone for a brief moment.

"He's not fifty?" Delina cried in horror. We both nodded. "My whole life is a lie."

"He doesn't even look fifty; get over yourself," Jasmine scoffed while painting her nails a deep crimson color.

Delina plunked down on my bed, landing with an 'oomph'. "Don't talk to me; I just discovered Adam Levine isn't fifty."

I rolled my eyes as I scrolled through Tumblr. "I can't believe you think he's fifty."

Before Delina could have time to mold a well thought retort, Christopher's head popped up from behind the door. "Girls, come downstairs."

As I prepared myself to stand up, his voice stopped me. "I didn't mean you," he retorted quite rudely. With a shrug, I plopped back down on my bed and spread out like a starfish.

Delina shot Christopher a glare. "Why isn't she coming?"

"Because I don't like her," he responded in an offhand manner, leaning against the doorframe.

Acting as if that comment didn't hurt, I forced a smile to appear on my face. "It's fine, guys. I'm actually okay with staying here."

Jasmine grabbed a jacket and flung it at me. "You're coming. Now get up."

My gaze flickered to Christopher, who simply quirked an eyebrow in a challenging fashion. "Maybe I should—."

Delina placed a hand up. "Save it. Meet us downstairs."

And with that, she grabbed Jasmine and dragged her out the room, leaving Christopher and me alone. "Now look what you've done," he hissed.

Looks like we're back to square one. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Ignoring me, he pushed himself off the doorframe and exited the room. A quiet sigh escaped my lips as I fumbled with the jean jacket in my hands. Slipping my hands through the sleeves, I untucked my hair from the jacket and descended from the stairs. I tugged at my sleeves and stared at the group, choosing to sit beside Mason.

"Come on," Delina ushered us outside.

"Charge my phone!" I called to my mother, who was too busy speaking with Lauren. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I followed the group and shuffled my feet against the wet pavement.

The cold wind blew, allowing a cold gust of wind to surround us. It has been reasonably cold today; colder than usual. "Yo!" My head snapped upward to the sound of Delina's annoyed voice. "Hurry up."

A sheepish smile dotted my lips as I climbed into her car and put on my seatbelt. "I genuinely thought that Australia was hot all year around."

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