| Chapter 8 |

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Chapter 8

A loud, boisterous knock on the door drew me out of my reverie. Candidly, I didn't have it in me to open the door, knowing I appeared like absolute trash.

But I did, anyways.     

After running a hand through my knotty hair and clearing my throat to make sure that I didn't sound like a dying frog, I flung open the door and came face to face with Christopher, whose fist was raised. Once he noticed my deadpan expression, he slowly brought his fist down before making his way inside my room. He eyed my bed charily and I rolled my eyes before closing the door and leaning against it.

"Don't worry, I don't have AIDS," I informed him with an artificial smile.

"You can never be too sure," he muttered, earning a short-lived glare from me. "Anyway, I came here to inform you that we're going out, so you might as well go get ready." And with that, he casually grabbed my camera, which was perched on the nightstand, and began looking through my photos.

My eyebrows shot to the ceiling. "Us?"

Christopher gazed up from my camera and furrowed his eyebrows. "No...?" Oh. "What were you thinking?"

I nodded slowly, rolling my lips into my mouth. But what was I thinking? As far as I'm concerned, Christopher was still adamant on despising me with a great passion, so why did my mind conjure up the idea of Christopher and me riding our kangaroo into the sunset? I was half convinced that by now, I was simply delusional.

"So are you going to get ready?" Christopher asked with his eyes on my camera. I nodded, even though he wasn't paying attention, and took hold of a fresh set of clothes. Working my way towards the bathroom, I changed my clothes and dusted on some makeup. Throwing my hair into a bun, I stepped out of the bathroom with my hands squeezed into my pockets.

"I'm done."

By now, I was one hundred percent certain that Christopher was about to make a sarcastic comment.

I was right about that.

"Let's all have a moment of silence in appreciation to Daniella who managed to get ready in under fifteen minutes." Then, he took it upon himself to clap sarcastically with a grim expression decorating his features. Gritting my teeth, I stalked over to him and snatched my camera from him. "Hey! I was looking through that."

"Well, isn't that sad."

"Careful there," he warned. "I'm the one who bought this camera, therefore I can use it whenever I want."

"Oh?" I cocked an eyebrow, inwardly seething. "The sole reason why you bought this camera is because you were too damn irresponsible to look after one camera. Thank god I have backup."

And with that, I spun on my heels and stomped out of the room, hurrying down the stairs. Once I discovered that my family were all waiting in the living room, I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. To think that I thought that Christopher and I were going out together.

"What were you guys doing upstairs?" my mother narrowed her eyes at me.

Playing bingo with Michael Jackson. "Nothing," I waved a hand dismissively. Brushing off my mother's suspicious stare, I stepped out of the house and was promptly met with a gust of cold wind.

Whoever stated that Australia was a hot country most definitely lied.

"Okay, Christopher and Daniella in one car." Shrugging, I trudged toward Christopher's car and watched as Noah frowned longingly at us. And thus, he stomped his foot on the ground like a typical brat and pointed to Christopher's car with a frown on his face. His mother, growing tired of his antics, pushed him towards Christopher's car and I watched as Noah climbed into it with a content smile on his face.

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