| Chapter 10 |

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Chapter 10

I sat upright, squinting as beads of sunlight shone through the window. It was exceptionally sunny for a change.

I discovered that I was the only one in the room, meaning that Delina and Jasmine were probably already awake. Sighing, I collected a fresh set of clothes and made my way towards the bathroom that was thankfully attached to her room. Once I had finished showering, I leaned against the wall and attempted to put on some socks.

Too busy forcing my toes into the socks, I hadn't noticed that the door was open until I gazed up and captured a glimpse of Christopher staring at me with upraised eyebrows.

Instead of greeting him or even forcing a smile to appear on my face, I simply looked back down and continued putting on my socks. When I was done, I blatantly ignored him and headed to the door, opening it and climbing down stairs.

I fared to the conclusion that I shouldn't waste my time trying to gain Christopher's approval. Who cares? Certainly not Christopher.

And besides, I'd be gone in three months. He and I would never see each other again, so it didn't matter if he liked me or not.

Therefore, I resolved to just ignore him. It wouldn't be that hard, considering the fact that he hardly every responds to me. I don't know what I had done for him to dislike me, but it didn't matter anymore.

I walked into the kitchen and smiled at the sight of Delina spinning around on a stool with a bowl of soggy cereal in front of her. She had her eyes on Mason, who was quietly explaining something to her.

Deciding not to interrupt them, I backed away towards the living room and smiled at the sight of Jasmine fooling around with Adam. He 'casually' threw an arm behind the couch, barely grazing her shoulders, though I could still draw out the small smile that overcame Jasmine's features.

"Good morning," I greeted them, grabbing a magazine and nonchalantly flipping through it. I came across a skin care article and actually found myself engrossed in it. "This is actually interesting," I nodded, allowing my eyes to flicker towards them. I had noticed that they managed to create a noticeable space between them.

"What's interesting?" Jasmine inquired.

I held up the magazine article. "This."

Jasmine walked over towards me and lowered herself on the couch, leaning in and allowing her eyes to roam around the page. "Wait..." She grabbed the magazine from me and began reading while I leaned back in the couch and chucked Adam a small wave.

"Did you have breakfast yet?"

"No, mom," I joked, watching as a smile made its way onto Adam's face. His blue eyes lit up and he leaned back on the couch.

"I need to ask you an important question," he told me, all of a sudden appearing rather serious. Furrowing my eyebrows, I curiously leaned in and nodded for him to continue. "Have you ever met Obama?"

Smiling, I shook my head at his antics. "No, Adam," I sighed. "I haven't met Obama."

He seemed rather disappointed. "But you live in America." I shot him a flat look and his lips turned into a grin. "I'm kidding, relax." He extended his legs in front of him and traced out a sigh. "How're things with you and Chris?"

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