| Chapter 19 |

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Chapter 19

"No, leave it!" I exclaimed in a rush, waving my hands around.

Christopher let out a deep sigh and allowed the song to sound across the car. "Isn't it such a great song?" I grinned, earning an eye roll in return. "Do you actually hate Americans?"

"I don't hate Americans. I just think they're annoying," he responded, shrugging.

My grin dropped and was replaced with a scowl. "We're not annoying."

Christopher eyed me for a few moments before scoffing. "I beg to differ."

A frown marred my face. "I'm not annoying," I asserted. He looked over at my expression for a second and then permitted his eyes to drift back to the road.

We sat in silence for a moment until he broke it. "I was just joking." I only stayed silent in response. What was I supposed to say? Preferring not to respond, I simply nodded in response and tucked my hands under my thighs.

We soon arrived at his house and with a sigh, I unbuckled myself and hopped out of the car. "Wait," Christopher's voice stopped me from taking another step. "Actually, never mind," he told me after groping for words.

"You can't do that," I sighed.

He raised and dropped his eyebrows. "Do what?"

"What is it?" I sighed impatiently.

Christopher averted his gaze. "The kiss...at the party..." he began. My heart started to pound wildly. "Did you ever find out who it is?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, scanning his face for any signs of humour. "No...why? Do you know who it is?"


I choked and spluttered for a few seconds, my eyes growing wider than saucers. "What the hell?" I snapped. "It better not be you." My heart was beating so loudly and I dug my fingers into my nails.

Christopher clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel. "You're right, it's not me," he said quietly.

I just stared at him. "Christopher..."

He shook his head. "You can go now," he muttered plainly, his voice monotonous.

I simply sighed. "Christopher, if you know who it is then I'd love it if you can tell me," I told him.

His face scrunched up. "Why does it matter? It's just a kiss. People kiss all the time," he answered, glaring at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Considering I was at a party where literally no one knew me, then all the signs point to the fact that it was definitely someone that I knew," I snapped, folding my arms across my chest.

Christopher let out a loud scoff. "It could've been anyone. A lot of my friends thought you were cute, maybe it was one of them," he revealed, shrugging one shoulder.

"No, I highly doubt that. I think it's someone I know," I replied pointedly, giving him an expectant stare.

Christopher sent me a glare. "Are you suggesting it's me?" his voice grew louder.

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