| Chapter 7 |

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Chapter 7

Sitting on the couch with a packet of vinegar flavored chips in front of me, I flicked through the channels while licking my fingers in the process.

Christopher came bounding down the stairs with his eyebrows raised, but I simply disregarded him and continued watching T.V until he blocked my vision of it by standing directly in front of me.

"Move, bitch. Get out the way," I sang with a glare on my face.

Christopher's eyes flitted down to my old pair of pyjamas and he only shook his head. "After changing into a pair of pyjamas that don't make you seem like a homeless woman, meet me outside."

Without further fuss, he spun on his heels and neared the front door. My face distorted into a look of aggravation as I ambled upstairs in order to get ready. I converted into a fresh set of clothes, applied some makeup, threw my hair into a bun and then galloped down the stairs. Pacing outside, I spotted Christopher leaning against his car with his eyes glued to his phone.

"I'm done," I announced. "Want me to do a little twirl for you?" Before he could have time to respond, I began aimlessly twirling around, but then stopped once I realized how moronic I must of appeared to passersby.

Then, I took it upon myself to analyze his outfit. Christopher was most definitely going to leave an impression, that, I was certain of. He was wearing a black jacket over a red undershirt and tight black pants that hugged his long legs. I couldn't help but notice that he was wearing combat boots, something that I loved, especially on guys.

Inhaling deeply, I leaned against his car. "You smell nice," I ejaculated.

Christopher awkwardly gazed up from his phone and I felt myself cringing. Then, he glanced back down at his phone and muttered something under his breath. "If you're done sniffing me, you can go inside the car."

Blinking in surprise, I whirled around and climbed into his car, suppressing the urge to bang my head against the dashboard. Soon, as I was playing with the stuffed cube that was dangling from the mirror, Christopher climbed into the driver's seat and extended me a glimpse.

"What are you doing?" he inquired while inserting his key into the ignition.

"What does it look like?" I muttered, letting go of the cube and bringing my hand back by my side. He didn't bother responding and I let go of a sigh, toying with the bracelet that I was wearing. Truth be told, I honestly didn't want to go. Not only did I not know anyone there, but I was one hundred percent sure that Christopher would embarrass me.

Either that, or I'd be the one to embarrass him.


"What?" he muttered, glancing over at me for a second.

"Are we going to meet your friends there?"

"Our friends," he corrected. "And yes. Now stop talking and let me drive in peace, woman."

Shooting him an icy glare, I commenced staring out the window as a sigh escaped my lips. "How much longer?" I asked after a while of him aimlessly driving. He disregarded me and continued driving. Jerk.

"Why you gotta be so rude?"

An incredulous look came over he features and I feared for a moment that I had done something extreme. "Why are you like this?" Before I could have time to form an explicit answer, Christopher cut me off. "I've come across a lot of lame people in my life but you, my friend, beat them all."

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