| Chapter 15 |

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Chapter 15

"Rate his butt from one to ten."

I scrunched up my nose. "Um...a six?" I suggested halfheartedly, staring at the iPad's screen.

Delina emitted a loud gasp. "His butt is a freaking eleven!" Then, she turned to Jasmine and delved into a conversation about how his butt cheeks were the perfect size.

Rolling my eyes, I turned over on my side and stared up at the ceiling of my room. "You're just being stupid!" Jasmine spat, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, shut up. It's probably because you're too infatuated in Adam's pale, flat arse to even notice how perfect his butt is," Delina rejoined, shovelling a few chips into her mouth.

Jasmine shot her a wide-eyed look. "I-I don't like Adam." Delina snorted, sending a few chips from her mouth to land on my shirt.

"Sure," I mumbled, clutching a pillow to my chest.

Jasmine gave out a groan. "You too?" I nodded and she bit her lip. "I don't know...I guess I do like him," she confessed shyly.

Delina began clapping slowly. "Thanks for that observation, Captain Obvious." Jasmine flashed her a death glare while I dragged myself out of bed.

"I'm going to get more food. Be right back." They nodded and launched into a conversation about Jasmine's crush on Adam while I slipped out of the room and climbed down the stairs.

Smiling faintly, I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a few packets of chips as well as a few bottles of water. Slamming the cabinet shut, I deemed the food to my chest and climbed up the stairs.

"Guys, let's go downstairs," I told them while attempting not to drop the food. Jasmine and Delina nodded in unison, each one grabbing a chip packet and a water bottle as they walked past me. Sighing in relief, I closed the door behind me and descended the stairs.

As soon as we reached the living room, Jasmine shot Delina an urgent look, as if she were ordering her not to mention anything.

Delina airily waved a hand and opened her water bottle, guzzling some water. "Ooh, I'll be right back," I told them, walking past Mason.

I promptly climbed up towards my room and opened the drawer to reveal tickets to Chris Brown's concert. Grinning, I clutched them in my hand and bounded down the stairs. Will Delina like my present? She better; it took me forever to find them online. And my mother practically cut my allowance off for spending so much money, so she better like them.

Sitting cross legged beside Adam on the couch, I cleared my throat as silence fell upon our group, excluding Christopher, who had work. He only worked on weekends. "Delina, this is incredibly late seeing as your birthday was about a week ago," I mentioned. "But I bought you a birthday present."

As I brought the tickets from behind my back, I handed them over to Delina, who skimmed the ticket with furrowed eyebrows. Slowly, ever so slowly, a grin made its way into her face and she let out a loud shriek. "Oh my god!" she shrilled, jumping up from her seat and dancing around. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"

Adam shook his head. "Fangirls," he muttered under his breath.

I shrugged and smiled sheepishly. "I didn't bother wrapping it."

Adam glared at me. "And you call yourself a friend?" I weakly punched his upper arm and he chuckled, ruffling my hair.

All of a sudden, Bill jumped into the room with a bat in his hands. "Who died?" His eyes fell over our group and he sighed tiredly, rubbing his temples. "Guys, keep it down."

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