| Chapter 24 |

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A/N Sorry for being a jerk in the last chapter. Here's a chapter for you guys. This chapter is dedicated to @theultimatewallflowe for being a supportive friend. Check out her books because they're amazing.

Chapter 24

"I found out that Pluto is from the dwarf planets," Noah declared.

I nodded with a smile. "That's great. And where'd you learn that?"

"I googled it."

I gave him another smile as his older brother entered the kitchen. I didn't bother making a comment about how today was a special day. Instead, I continued stirring my cereal and causing it go soggy in the process.

"Good morning," Noah greeted his brother, who ignored him. He walked over towards the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice, guzzling it down.

"Rude," I muttered under my breath as I lowered myself beside Noah. I quietly ate my cereal while sending texts to a few friends of mine.

"Oh!" Noah suddenly cried. "I just remembered that it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Dani!"

My eyes flickered to Christopher, who only lifted an eyebrow in response. "Thanks, Noah," I smiled.

"How old did you turn?" he quizzed before taking a sip of his apricot juice.


He let out a whoosh of breath. "Wow, you're big."

"That's what she said," I heard Christopher mumble under his breath with his back facing us. He made himself a bowl of cereal and then exited the kitchen.

"But not as old as Chris," Noah continued and I nodded. Right. One year isn't that large of a difference. I remained silent and finished my bowl of cereal, before washing it. I dried my hands and then climbed upstairs, arriving at my room.

I'm somewhat certain that today will be one long day.

+ + +

"Okay, we'll pick you up in half an hour," Delina's voice came through the phone. "Actually, no! You can meet us over there!"

"No!" I hissed. "Who's going to drive me over there?" There is no way I'd ask Christopher for a ride. Not only would he laugh in my face and humiliate me in the process, but he'd most likely lynch me.

"Chris, duh. See you later!" Before I could have time to respond, Delina hung up on me and I wanted to sigh. Or cry. Either one was fine by me. Rolling out of bed, I left my room and climbed down the stairs at a glacial pace.

"Where's Christopher?" I asked Bill, who was just walking by.

He paused and furrowed his eyebrows. "He's outside, I think." With a curt nod, I spun on my heels and opened the front door. As I expected, Christopher was outside with a cigarette interposed between his fingers. He peeked up from the ground and watched me as I made my way over towards him.

"Hey," I greeted him in a quiet voice. He didn't bother responding, so I continued my unfinished sentence. "Um, I know you don't want to come with us to celebrate my birthday, but can you at least drive me there?" I loitered beside him as he took a long drag of his cigarette. It was plainly apparent that he purposefully took his sweet time inhaling the cigarette so that he wouldn't be pressured to answer me.

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