| Chapter 22 |

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A/N Cover to the side made by the beautiful Wattpad user named electramemories. Follow her and read her amazing story named 'Unrequited Love'. You won't regret it!

Chapter 22

I was up and awake the following morning at nine o'clock. It surprised me how early I had woken up, seeing as I wasn't really a morning person.

After taking a shower, I dragged myself downstairs and paced into the kitchen. I fixed myself a few pancakes and drizzled them with syrup, before lurching towards the living room where Christopher was seated. He looked over at me for a second, before his eyes fell to the plate in my hands.

"Do you want?" I offered, pushing the plate towards him.

"Um, okay," he muttered with a slow shrug. Nodding, I went to the kitchen and grabbed him a plate before heading back to the living room. I placed a couple of pancakes on the plate and passed it over towards him, and he gladly accepted it. He began devouring the pancakes and I took immense joy in watching him eat something that I made.

Biting back a smile, I began eating my pancakes while watching a random show on T.V along with Christopher. Moments later, Noah walked into the living room while rubbing his eyes. "I want pancakes, too," he mumbled unhappily.

I stood up immediately. "I'll go make you some. Come on." I didn't miss Christopher's quiet groan upon seeing Noah. Shaking my head at his discourtesy, I made Noah a couple of pancakes before setting them on a plate in front of him. "Enjoy," I told him with a smile. Noah grinned and devoured the pancakes, resembling his older brother. It amazed me how similar they looked like when they ate.

I left the kitchen and entered the living room, deciding to sit on the same couch Christopher was sitting on. "You don't have school today, right?" I asked him, turning to stare at him.

"It's Saturday. Of course I don't have school," he responded after placing his empty plate on the table beside him.

"Do you want me to wash that?" I gestured to the plate.

Christopher offered the plate a brief glimpse, before looking back at the T.V. "No," he responded with some annoyance lingering in his voice. "I'll do it."

I nodded. "Okay."

We watched Criminal Minds in silence and I quietly sighed to myself, growing rather bored. "Can we turn this?" Since Christopher's legs were too long for the both of us to fit, I had to hug my knees to my chest quite uncomfortably while Christopher took the most part of the couch.

"Just shut up and watch."

"Can you move?" I nudged him. "I feel squashed."

With a small groan, Christopher swung his legs over the couch and sat in an upright position. "There, are you happy?"

I nodded. "Yes, actually." Moments passed by, in which I spent either sighing in annoyance or insulting the show. "What do you see in this crap?"

"Shut up and let me watch in peace."

"Fine," I replied in a stubborn manner, standing up from my seat. "I'm leaving." I went to move, but Christopher quickly placed his legs atop of the coffee table, effectively stopping me. Evidently, I was way too busy to see that, so I ended up tripping over his legs and falling to the ground. I wanted to cry as a consequence of sheer embarrassment as I slowly looked up at him and watched him laugh at my ungraciousness.

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