| Chapter 26 |

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A/N Dedicated to ILiterallyCantDecide for being an avid reader. Your comments make me smile. I'm sorry this was a late dedication.

Chapter 26 

It's been three days, and Christopher was still avoiding me like I contained pestilence.

I didn't bother trying to mend things, because I was honestly getting tired of having to chase him around. In addition to him ignoring me, he also likes another girl.


I traced out a pensive sigh. What a stunning name. Christopher always goes for the girls with pretty names.

"Turn that frown upside down!" Delina reached over and poked me in the cheek. I cringed away from her touched and frowned.

"Stop it," I muttered.

"You're getting so hungover a guy. Grow up, will you?"

"Hey," Jasmine interjected with a frown. "Rude." I ignored the both of them and kept my eyes pasted to the television, which was playing Ice Age. Noah was happily sitting in front of the T.V, despite his father berating him for sitting too close to the television. In all honesty, I didn't mind.

Ice Age movies are always fun to watch.

"How about we go out to get your mind off things?"

"Guys, it's okay. I'm not hurt," I refuted. Delina and Jasmine stared at me for a few seconds before sighing.

"Okay," they muttered, turning to stare at the television.

"Hey, where'd you get that necklace from?" Delina asked me curiously. I looked down at the necklace in my hands and fought back a smile.

"It was Christopher's birthday present to me," I told her, watching as a slow smile appeared on her face.

"Why don't you wear it?" Jasmine inquired with a raised eyebrow and I hesitated. Should I really tell her? It seems stupid now that I think of it.

"Um, I want to wear it when Christopher forgives me for whatever it is that I did." I want him to clasp it for me when I first start wearing it. It's stupid to think like that, but I don't care. 

"I see," Jasmine and Delina nodded with matching smirks. I rolled my eyes and continued watching Ice Age in silence. Halfway through the movie, the door bell rang and I looked over at my father who was walking by.

"Dad, can you get that?"

"Nope," he replied cheekily and I refused the urge to groan aloud as I hauled myself up. I sent my father a glare as I trudged over towards the door and opened it.

"Guess who's here?" Adam sauntered into the house with Mason trailing behind him. I flashed the both of them a small smile as they trod into the house and shed off the coats.

Delina groaned. "Go away, Adam. No one here likes you."

"Jasmine does," he retorted.

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