| Bonus Chapter |

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A/N cover to the side made by wattpad user named inevitxble. Follow her and read her books!

Dedicated to Fizafrin for being an amazing person. I'm so sorry I didn't tag you in the previous part. It totally slipped my mind. Sorry. You have the permission to punch me in the face.

For any confusion, this is a year later. So Daniella is 9+10 in this chapter.

lmao sorry okay I have to be serious. She's 21 and Chris is 22.

Bonus Chapter

One year later...

"Have fun!" my mother grinned, casting me a wave.

"Who has fun in college?" I muttered under my breath as I adjusted my bag. Forcing a smile to appear on my face, I gave a short nod. "Okay, I'll see you soon."

"No parties," my father warned sternly.

"Sure, okay," I rolled my eyes, then jabbed a thumb over my shoulder. "Can I go now or...?"

"No, no! You can leave now. See you!"

I took a step back and nodded, once again, as I whirled around. My footsteps guided me in the direction of my beloved car, and soon, I found myself driving towards University of California, Los Angeles. Allowing the sound of music to reverberate through the car, I rolled down the window, causing my hair to sway in the wind.

My hair has grown back to its original height, much to Charlotte's pleasure. She warned me to never cut my hair again, to which I rolled my eyes at.

Soon enough, I found myself pulling up in an empty parking spot. The familiar ground came into view as I locked my car, adjusting my bag. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Hey," I found the corner of my lips curling upwards as my eyes fell on Charlotte. Her blonde hair was twisted into a bun atop of her head and a few strands escaped it, falling at the side of her face. "What's up?"

"So, like, yesterday, I was just lying in bed, right?" She turned to glance at me with an expectant expression on her face and I nodded, showing her I was listening. "And then I sit up and notice blood everywhere." She clapped her hands together for emphasis and I gave her a weird look.

"Okay...?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Dani! There was blood everywhere," she repeated, enunciating her words with precision.

"It happens to the best of us," I chuckled, patting her back.

"Yeah, life sucks. Anyway, did you finish the essay?"

"No, Charlie, I didn't," I replied in a caustic manner, rolling my eyes.

"Shut up," she muttered, narrowing her eyes at something behind me. Her confused expression morphed into a grin as she pointed behind me. "Hottie is checking you out."

I spun on my heels and searched through the crowd. Once I came up short, I turned back to face her and gave her a flat look. "Very funny, Charlie," I muttered, a detectable tinge of annoyance seeping into my tone.

"Give me that," she grumbled as she grabbed my chin. I tsked under my breath as she spun my head in the correct angle, grinning as she did so. "There."

"Oh my Jesus," I breathed.

"Wait, he looks familiar. Isn't he—?" I cut her off by grabbing her by the hand and marching in the direction of him. As soon as we were face to face, I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He breathed out a chuckle as his arms snaked around my waist, lifting me off the ground.

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