Midnight (Twilight Fan Fic)

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**Dedicated to @PrincessCrazyMonkey for giving me the brilliant plot line! Thank you! :) **

I turned to the child whom I had rushed to protect and looked at him. He lay asleep in oversized clothes, clothes that I recognised. They were Edwards clothes. But how? I thought frowning, and picked up the child, then my eyes widened in shock. This child, this human child had Edwards hair, at least a baby version of it. Then he awoke and began to cry in my arms. I ignored the cry as I looked in to his eyes, they were Edwards green eyes.

"Impossible." I whispered.

When the odds are turned and it turns to Bella's trun to protect fragile Edward how will she cope watching him grow from an infant and through child hood without any memory of their past? A jealous sister-in-law, a daughter who's deeply in love with her old best friend, and the threat of the Volturi. Could it all be too much for Isabella Cullen?

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