Chapter 1- EDWARD

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Chapter 1

It had been just over three years since everything had happened.

Three years since Renesmee was born.

Three years since Bella was changed.

Three years since we had been disturbed by the Volturi.

Ness looked like she was in her young teen’s and was spending more and more of her time with Jacob. We had moved away from Forks a year ago and were settling in to our new home very near the Denali’s. 

On this particular day the Danali’s were visiting us. Kate and Tanya had gone hunting with Bella and Rose while the others were at the house. I walked up the steps to the house after having been shopping for Jake and Ness. Inside everyone who wasn’t hunting was sat in the middle of the living room laughing and joking. I felt a twinge of sadness when I realised Bella and the others weren’t back but that soon went when Ness came and took the shopping off me. I followed her through to the kitchen and helped put the things away.

“Who let the dog in?” Alice complained, still not tolerable of Jake’s smell.

“Jake!” Ness’ face lit up and she went to greet him. Alice came dancing in to the kitchen making me smile.

Three years She thought to me.

“And Aro, you and myself are still the only ones to know what scared them off.” I said quietly to her.

They realise how many allies we have who are willing to go against them. Alice thought, smiling.

“What you saw was enough to keep the deterred for a very long time little sister.” I smiled, more gently this time, remembering what she had done for me, “Thank you.”

We both looked up as we heard the rush of wind some distance away signalling, Bella’s, Kate’s, Tanya’s and Rose’s imminent return.

Seconds later Bella was in my arms, I could smell the mountain lion on her after her hunt making me wish I had taken up her offer to join her despite my thirst being satisfied for the moment.

I was about to ask her about the hunt when she opened her shield to me and showed me the whole hour that she had been away in a matter of a few seconds. I smiled when the final thought came in to her head, Seth. I saw a sandy coloured wolf running in the snow, down the mountain that Bella had been hunting on. I smiled, she knew how well I got on with Seth and how pleased Jake would be when he found out about the visit. He was no longer the gangly wolf that he had been three years ago, he had now filled out and looked much more wolf like. As we heard the approach of the wolf I walked with Bella through to the front room were the rest of the family were looking towards the door expectantly. Seth came in moments later, Jake smiled and went to greet him but I had already read his thoughts. This wasn’t a social visit.

He put on a brave face while Jake greeted him and I watched as Jasper helped him gather the strength to tell us why he was here.

"I've not come with good news I'm afraid." He sighed taking a seat in the arm chair.

"What is it?" Carlisle asked as I tightened my grip on Bella's waist and growled, knowing our luck I'd just jinxed us by talking to Alice about them.

"The Volturi have been to Forks." Seth told us, "More specifically to your house." I looked to Alice as she looked for the Volturi in her mind, nothing.

"What do we do?" Bella asked relaxing her shield and asking me, What about Charlie?

"I think we should head down there." I looked to Carlisle, "They know we moved here, if they had wanted a fight they'd have turned up here unexpectedly."

Carlisle nodded thoughtfully, "We won't all go, Jake and Ness you should stay here."

"We'll stay with them." Rose volunteered herself and Emmet, "It's safer than leaving them alone."

"We will keep an eye out around here as well." Kate nodded.

"Thank you." Carlisle nodded.

"Do you want a lift back Seth?" I asked turning to him as the others headed upstairs to pack some things, no doubt by the time Seth had replied they would be back.

"That'd be cool." Seth nodded and smiled as Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme returned with some packed suitcases.

"What cars are you taking?" Emmet asked.

"We're taking the Porche." Alice smiled, dancing over to her canary yellow Porche once she had handed me the two luggage bags she had been carrying. 

"Are you taking the Volvo?" Esme asked out loud for the benefit of the others.

"Yeah." I opened the back door and threw in the luggage as Bella hugged Ness, Carlisle shut the boot of the Mercedes before we went over to where the rest of our family were saying good byes. I said good bye to the Denalis before turning to Rose and Emmet, of course Emmet was thinking of all the things that he and Rose could do while we were gone.

"Just remember there's still minors in the house." I told him, "Don't go setting a bad example."

Jasper laughed, having been the only one close enough to hear my quiet remark, Are you sure they're the bad example?   I turned my head to him and Emmet guessed at what had been said before thinking, You and Bells haven't been able to keep your hands off each other until last year!

"Better than half a century." I punched Emmets shoulder as I replied.

"Come on boys." Esme called as I turned to Ness. She hugged me tightly and thought back three years ago. She was afraid of the Volturi coming for her again.

"They're not going to touch you." I whispered so only she could hear me.

Just be careful Dad, I've got a bad feeling. She thought and I nodded with a smile, "We'll be back soon."

I got in the drivers seat of the Volvo with Bella next to me and Seth in the back, "Bye Jake!" Seth called as we pulled out of the garage.

What was all that about with Emmet? Alice asked Jasper in the car infront of us, having just seen the future for tonight change.

We were just winding up Edward about who was a bad example. Jasper replied with a laugh. Bella turned to me and frowned, having also heard the conversation, "I won the arm wrestle." She stated, "Emmet can't say anything." I laughed and shook my head.

"Words and thoughts aren't the same thing though, are they?" I smiled and reached a hand across the car, "Besides." I added on very quietly, "I'm sure we can get up to some things while we're away." I smiled as Alice again saw the nights events change and pictured a very lacy set of underwear the Bella had never worn.

We arrived in Forks that evening, the sun was just setting as we walked through the house that was the same as ever, "Are you okay to get home Seth?" Carlisle asked as he Seth and I walked out of the south facing glass door.

"Yeah, Leah's waiting for me on the Res so she'll be glad to hear me when I phase." He smiled, and waved before he went, "We'll see you later!" I called.

"Was it a guard or someone else?" Carlisle asked as we turned to walk up the steps to the house.

"No one they recognised. But Aros scent was there too." I told him, "Do you think we should be worried?"

"I don't know Edward." Carlisle sighed and looked to where Esme was on the phone, "Do you think they're afraid of us?" 

"If they weren't they'd have come to Alaska." I frowned, "Surely there's some reason they came here."

"But why?" Carlisle thought out loud.

"Where's Alice and Bella?" I asked Esme as she hung up.

"They've gone to Charlie's." she smiled, "I think we should stick in pairs until we find out what they want."

"Mm." Carlisle agreed, both their eyes were black, "Shall we go hunting?" 

"Stay close." I warned them.

"We will." Carlisle nodded before they set off running.

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