Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was late in to the night when I finished my sketch and sighed, years ago I’d made a promise to myself, to tell Carlisle. I could hear him reading in his office now so I got up and walked down the hallway to his office.

“Come in.” Carlisle announced, a moment after I paused at the door, “What can I do for you Bella?” He smiled and set down his book.

“Do you remember how I was so quiet when I was being changed?” I asked, getting it over with quickly.

“Yes, because of the morphine?” Carlisle nodded, somewhat confused about what I was saying.

“I still felt it, the burning.” I shuddered, “Every second of it.”

“But you were too quiet.” Carlisle shook his head.

"For a while the morphine helped, though wether I was unconscious because of my injuries or if it was the morphine we will never know.” I shrugged.

“Can you tell me a bit more?” Carlisle asked, now intrigued.

“Erm... it was like I was in a black pool and the burning was bearable but then it faded and I knew, if I let out a scream, a whimper, a moan it would hurt him." I thought back, "I listened and counted his breaths. He worried that he'd done something wrong because I was so still, I wanted so much to squeeze his hand, or open my eyes, anything to show him I was alright."

"Why didn't you?" Carlisle asked as he leant forward on the desk.

"I thought I'd loose control. The only thing that stopped me was you reassuring him, saying my heart was stronger than Emmet's, my injuries no worse than Esme's." I swallowed, "I listened to the baseball game that was on the tv, wandered why Jake was fighting with Rose about Renesmee." I smiled and chuckled a little at the last memory, "I was hearing half conversations between Edward and you or Alice and they always left me in the dark about something or other. What annoyed me most was Alice seeing when I would wake up... They never said when out loud though. All I knew was that I was clearer in her visions and that I would wake up soon."

Carlisle chuckled at my comment, "I can understand that. Though, to not move or make a sound for three days is quite impressive, I assume you chose to tell me because of Edward?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, “The morphine helped but only to an extent basically.”

“Thank you Bella.” Carlisle sighed but smiled at the same time.

“No, thank you. For everything.” I stood up, “I don’t know where we’d be without you.”

“Thank you Bella, for being there for him.” Carlisle smiled as I left.

The next morning Jake came down early and sat with a glass of orange juice on the sofa.

“So, what’d you tell him?” He asked.

“I didn’t tell him anything about the wolves.” I sighed as I closed the book I had been reading.

“How much shall I tell him?”

“Just… Nothing about who I am to him or who he really is.” I whispered as I heard Edward on the stairs.

“Jake.” Esme came in, “You and Ness can have a day off today, we all are.”

“Okay.” Jake smiled.

“Morning Edward.” Esme smiled as he came in and sat on the sofa.

“Morning, mom.” He rubbed his face.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked.

“Not too bad.” Edward shrugged, “What’s for breakfast?”

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