Chapter 16- Nessie

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Chapter 16


I expected the aching to come eventually, of course I’d be sore after throwing myself in front of a car! Yes, you read that right, I threw myself in to the road. Why? Because I needed relief. 

Okay, I get that probably makes no sense but it’s true. Mom was so focused on Dad that I barely got to talk to her about mother daughter stuff, and Jake and I had fallen out earlier in the week … so really I felt depressed, everyone was worried about someone else and I wasn’t anywhere in the mix. What didn’t help with the depression was the girls at school, Vicky and Becca, yes, the Vicky Edward was dating. She was a mean bully and was constantly pointing out to me how weird I was and my family were, I tried to ignore it but she continued to push me closer and closer to the edge of desperation until I had had enough.

Of course, I couldn’t kill myself, that would break everyones heart and I just didn’t have it in me. If I started cutting my wrists, like some people did, everyone would know straight away.

Then came throwing myself in front of a car. 

I knew it wouldn’t be enough to kill me, I’d done the calculations, it would be like falling to the ground out of a very high tree. I knew falling out of a tree would normally break someones bones, but not me, I’m more durable, half vampire … remember? It would be just enough to hurt me bad enough to be out of it for a little while, so all the pain would go away for a bit.

That’s why I did it, and that’s why I ached. I was being held unconscious in the pool of black, everything about me seemed heavy and tired so I just lay there and listened to my surroundings and my family talking about me.

“It’s been a week,” Mom sighed, “There’s been no change Carlisle, are you …” She trailed off as a sob caught in her throat.

“Bella,” Grandpa sighed, “Ness is a quick healer, almost like Jake, by the time I saw her she had already begun the healing process. When I saw her, she was as bad as some people I see that are in coma’s for months after an accident.” He paused, “Ness will be fine, she just needs the time to heal.” 

I could hear even his voice was strained as he tried to reassure Mom that I would be fine, what had I done? I’d caused more grief and turmoil for my family than I had ever intended. I should have just spoken to mom and made her listen. I suddenly felt like a selfish, little, attention seeking, brat. 

“I should have talked to her.” Mom whispered, “I’ve not been doing enough of that recently.”

“Bella,” Jake sighed, “Stop that, I’ve told you that it’s my fault too. I shouldn’t have been forcing myself on her.”

When Jake put it like that it sounded wrong and perverted, truth was that he had been pushing for us to become romantically involved … I mean, ew! He’s like a big brother to me sure, but that doesn’t mean I want to date him! 

“What do you mean?” Grandpa asked Jake, sounding confused.

“We’ve never told her that she’s my imprint,” Jake explained, “She doesn’t realise that’s why we’ve got the bond we have. She thinks I just see her as a little sister.”

Wait, what? I thought, I’m Jake’s imprint? He was meant to be with me? But I don’t love him … do I?

I decided to forget about that for the moment and listened to the ongoing conversation.

“When Jake pushed her for information on what she felt towards him, she knocked him back.” Mom added quietly.

“I didn’t respond to that as well as I should have.” Jake shrugged, “I yelled some pretty mean stuff at her.”

At least he was being honest about it. I heard him take a jagged breath in as he took my hand, “I wish she was here to apologise to.”

“She’ll forgive you,” Grandpa assured him, “Both of you.”

I’m sorry mom. I thought to myself, wishing dad was here to hear me.

“Ness?” Mom whispered, “Can you hear us?”

“What?” Carlisle asked.

“I heard her too.” Jake nodded, “She must have heard us.”

Mom? I thought again, “Hush, it’s okay Ness.” She soothed and stroked my hand.

Jake? Jake, I’m sorry for lashing out at you. I thought as his hand gently tightened on mine, “I don’t mind Ness, just relax.” He let go of my hand and stood up, gently kissing my throbbing head, “I’m going to ring home.”

Mom, I’m sorry for this, I shouldn’t have been so stupid and immature. I wanted to cry to her, tell her how sorry I was for all of this.

“Ness,” Mom touched my head lightly, “It’s okay, just calm down.”

“Ness,” Grandpa spoke up this time as I felt the bed sag, “You hit your head pretty hard, so you need to keep calm and relax. Don’t worry about anything for now.”

Okay. I thought to them, I love you.

“We love you too sweetie,” Mom replied softly, “Get some rest now.”

“What’s that?” A new voice came in to the room.

“She was squeezing our hands.” Carlisle lied smoothly to whoever it was, “She’s communicating.”

“That’s brilliant news!” The woman exclaimed.

“Jake’s gone to ring the others,” Mom told her, “Mom’ll be on her way over.”

I realised that I’d have to be careful talking to mom, I wondered what the story was for us, no doubt someone would tell me soon.

“I’m going to get on with some paperwork,” Grandpa came over and kissed my cheek, avoiding my sore head, “Give me a shout if you need me.”

“Will do.” I was amazed how much calmer mom sounded already.

When is it? I thought when everyone had left mom and I alone.

“It’s been a week and two days since the accident.” Mom explained, “It’s about three in the afternoon.”

What did I hurt?

“You hit your head really hard and cracked your skull, your arm and leg were broken but we got away with calling it a sprain, and you hurt some ribs.” Mom listed off, “You’re on painkillers but Carlisle said you burn them up quickly.”

It’s still sore. I sighed in my thoughts.

“Stop thinking about things.” Mom told me, “You need to rest a little more before you’re up to doing anything.”

Okay. I thought to her before trying to go back to sleep.

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