Getting sucked into a good game literally

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(O.C is female)

As you watched the credits roll, you began thinking.

(...Is this the best ending sure I saved a few but I wished that Asriel had an happier ending, and who exactly is W .D. Gaster? Maybe I should try again and find out...)

You started up the game again but something was strange the monitor was blank

"What is wrong with this thing!"

Angrily, you hit the monitor and then it finally came on.

"Whew! For a minute I thought that the computer was broke,...wait a minute, I don't remember this"

On the screen was a Wing Dings

WhO aRe yOu?...

Looking at the monitor a little bit scared and confused you thought

(...Ok either someone's playing a prank on me, or my computer is haunted...)

So, you typed your name (Y/N) and also Who are you? You waited for a second and got an reply




...W. D. Gaster...

Everything frozed in your quickly got up but also knocked over your chair in the process

(...O.O What?! I know W. D. Gaster was mentioned in the game but this can't really be them?...)

Then another text popped up but this text was typed in big letters





"Oh Crap!"

Then the monitor started sucking everything in the room like a vacuum, you frantically tried to escape and managed to grab on the side of the door from your room and tried to hang on, but your fingers slipped and eventually you also get sucked into the monitor and blacked out...

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