Danger Zone And Echo Flowers

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As you and Temmie were getting ready to leave the village, you remembered that Papyrus gave you his and Sans' number, and decided to call him, to let everyone know that you were ok. You dialed the numbers then put the phone to your ear, but you couldn't get a hold of any of them, there was no reception. You put your phone away, then grabbed your head frustrated "Dang it!"

Temmie comes over and nudges your leg with their paw encouragingly "Hoi Don't worry! We'll find your friends! Boi!"

You smiled at Temmie "Thanks. Well let's get going!"

You and Temmie said goodbye to the multitudes of Temmies, then continued on until the both of you came upon a swampy area with a pier looking dock. While the two of you were walking, a spear came flying out of nowhere and landed right in front of you, missing you by an hair.

(...It's Undyne!...)

Gaster replies sarcastically...No kidding Sherlock!...Run!

You began to run, when you looked back to see Temmie lagging behind you, then quickly ran back and picked them up.

"Thanks! Boi!"

A lot of spears came flying at you while you were running, holding on to Temmie. Some of the spears hit you and you grabbed your chest in pain. You looked at your health to see that it had dropped down to 7/20

...Gaster replies worried..That's not good!...Run faster!...

You shouted back (...What do you think I'm doing?!...)

You ran as fast as you could, while dodging the spears "Ahh! Stop it Undyne!"

Undyne responds back with throwing more spears. You ran screaming, while bobbing and weaving from them. You heard Undyne yell "Stay still punk!" and you responded "No way!" then you came upon more tall grass then went into it. You crouched down while holding on to Temmie, hoping she wouldn't find you...then you hear stomping getting closer...and closer.

(...Please don't find us! Please don't find us!...)

You quickly closed your eyes, thinking that you have been discovered, until you heard a


You opened your eyes to see that Undyne had picked up the monster kid, that you ran into earlier, then put him back down and walked off. You crawled out of the grass with Temmie then put them on the ground and stood up. When you did, the monster kid came tumbling out smiling "Yo...Did you see that?! Undyne just...touched me! I'm never washing my face ever again! Man are you unlucky. If you were just standing a little bit to the left! Yo don't worry, I'm sure we'll see her again!" Then they run off, but not before they fall on their face again.

(...Cute, but strange kid...)

You feel Temmie tapping you with its paw "Hoi thanks for helping Temmie back there! Boi"

" No, problem!"

You opened your sack to grab two cinnamonbuns and gave one to Temmie then you ate one, and your health was back to maximum. You and Temmie continued on walking until you came across more Echo flowers. You came up to one and heard a passing conversation. What sounds like to you, Sans' and Papyrus voices when they were little.

Younger Papyrus's voice: "If I say my wish...you promise you won't laugh at me."

Younger Sans' voice: "Of course, I won't laugh!"

Papyrus: "Someday I'd like to climb this mountain, we're all burried under. Standing under the sky...looking at the world all around...that's my wish."

You hear silence after a while then laughing.

Sans: "*Pfft Ha Ha!"

Papyrus: "Hey, you said you wouldn't laugh at it!"

Sans: "Sorry...it's just funny. That's my wish too."

(...Aw, they sounded soo cute!...)

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