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You all walked through the door and stepped outside into the blinding light after being underground for so long. In front was the most beautiful thing ever the sun set was setting making colors in the sky.

Making everyone entranced by it "Oh my..."

"Isn't it beautiful, everyone?"

"Wow, it's even better than on TV. Way better! It's even better than I imagined!"

Undyne noogies Frisk on their head "Frisk, you LIVE with this!? The sunlight is so nice and the air is so fresh! I really feel alive!"

Papyrus looked at his brother confused as if he seen something foreign to him "Hey Sans, what's that giant ball?"

"We call that "the sun", my friend."

"That's the sun?! Wowie! I can't believe I'm finally meeting the sun!"

Asgore was still entranced by the sunlight "I could stand here and watch this for hours."

Toriel playfully elbowed him to break him out of it "Yes, it is beautiful is it not? But we really should think about what comes next." He shakes his head and clears his throat "Oh right, everyone this is the beginning of a bright new future. An era of peace between humans and monsters." He turns to look at you "(Y/N) , I have something to ask of you. Will you act as our ambassador to the humans?"

"I'll do it but you have to make Frisk one too. I won't do it without them."

Papyrus happily cheers "Yeah, , and Frisk, will be the greatest ambassadors. And I the great Papyrus will be the best mascot! I'll go make a good first impression!" He excitedly runs off not having a clue where he was going.

Sans leaves to go after him "Well, someone's got to go and keep him out of trouble. See you guys." but went the opposite direction he left.

Having Undyne and Alphys to chase after him instead "Man, do I have to do EVERYTHING? Papyrus, wait!"

"Hey, Undyne! Wait up!"

Asgore nervously shifts his gaze towards Toriel wondering what to do "Whoops. Uh, should I do something?"

She puffs out her cheeks and glares at him silently "..." He quickly jumps back feeling intimidated by her "Well, gotta go!"

You and Frisk laughed as he quickly scrambled to get away (I guess SHE wears the pants in the family)

Toriel laughs softly then turns to you and Frisk "It seems everyone is quite eager to set off. Frisk, you came from this from this world right? And you, you said that you weren't from here? Do you have a place to live? What will you do now?"

You looked at Frisk and they looked back at you and nodded. You turned towards Toriel "We want to stay with you!"

She looked at you both shocked then she smiled "What? , Frisk, You really are a funny children. If you had said that earlier none of this would have happened. It is a good thing it took you this long to change your mind. Hee Hee. Well I suppose, if you two really don't have a place to go? I'll do my best to take care of you for as long as you need alright? Now come along. Everyone is waiting for us!"

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