Tall And Menacing Undyne

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You, Frisk, and the skeleton brothers passed through the cavern entrance to the marsh, until a yellow dinosaur looking monster kid wearing a stripped orange shirt, stopped you.

They replied "Yo! Are you sneaking out to see her too?"

You looked at the kid confused "Are you taking about Undyne? I guess so."

The monster kid looks at you happily "Awesome...she's the coolest right?! I want to be just like her when I grow up! Hey, don't tell my parents I'm here. Ha Ha."

You smiled "Of course, it'll be our secret kid."

Then you see a blue glowing flower "Hey Sans. Is this the Echo flower you were talking about?"

Sans looks over at what you were talking about, then grins "Yeah, if you lean closer and listen, it will repeat the last thing someone said."

You and Frisk leaned to the flower closer to hear: "Yeah, if you lean closer and listen, it will repeat the last thing someone said."

Both of you heard Sans's voice.

You replied "Woah! That's so cool!"

You and the others continued on until Papyrus stops you "Humans, Undyne is on guard duty in this area. QUICKLY, GO HIDE IN THE TALL GRASS! I'LL TRY AND DISTRACT HER!"

You, Frisk, and Sans quietly walked into the tall grass while Papyrus talked to Undyne. With the curiosity getting the better of you, you peeked through to see what this Undyne looked like. You saw a huge person standing in the shadows in an metal suit, with long red hair sticking out of their helmet, towering over Papyrus.


Then you heard what appears to be a woman's voice "Did you fight them?..."

Papyrus quickly answered "Huh?...Did I fight them? Y-YES, OF COURSE I DID! I FOUGHT THEM VALIANTLY!"

She turned to look at him, then back to what ever they were looking at "Did you capture them?..."

Papyrus looks over to where you guys were hiding then back to Undyne "What?...Did I capture them?...W-w-well, no. I TRIED V-VERY HARD UNDYNE! But, in the end...I failed."

Then she quickly turned to look at him and mumbled something very softly.

Papyrus looks at them surprised and startled at what he heard "W-WHAT?! YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE THE HUMANS' SOULS FOR YOURSELF?!..." He quickly walks over to them and grabs her arm preventing her from leaving.

He continued "-...BUT UNDYNE! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DESTROY THEM! YOU SEE...you see..."

Undyne looks at Papyrus menacingly in silence and he takes a step back, then looks once more to where all of you were hiding and walks off.

Frisk holds your hand a bit scared.

They replied "Sis..."

You and Sans eyes widen in panic and you quickly covered Frisk's mouth but Undyne had already heard and quickly came stomping with a spear drawn. They looked to where you guys were hiding at, you, Frisk and Sans held your breaths hoping Undyne haven't already discovered where you guys were hiding. For a moment you thought she was staring right at you, then they drew away their weapon and faded into the shadows, with only a yellow eye slowly fading away in the dark.

(...Man, that was scary!...)

You, Frisk, and Sans crawled out of the grass, but there was another person who came out after you guys...the monster kid.

They replied, excitedly "Yo...Did you see the way she was staring at you? That...was awesome! I'm sooo jealous! What did you do to get her attention? Ha Ha. Come on let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!"

They ran and stumbled, falling face flat on the ground, then got up and ran off.

After a few minutes, Papyrus came back "WOWIE! I'M GLAD SHE DIDN'T FIND YOU GUYS! THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL!"

Sans grinned and replied "You're telling me bro. That was an in-tents situation.~"

Papyrus groaned and replied "SANS!"

Sans grinned at his brother and winked "Come on admit it! Your smiling!~"

Papyrus replied "I AM AND I HATE IT!"

The skeleton brothers started bickering with each other, until you broke it up "Guys! Now's not the time to be punny. Undyne is after us!"


You replied "Aw, thanks Papyrus!"

Then all of you continued on, but you had a feeling of dread hanging over you.

(...The way Undyne was staring at me. It was like she was egging me on. To come out and fight her. I hope it doesn't come to that...)

Gaster who was feeling your emotions then replied ...You and me both, kid...Once Undyne has her mind set on something. She's relentless...

As you guys got deeper into the marsh, you looked up and saw crystals shining in the ceiling like stars.

(...So beautiful...Maybe I can come back here Later...)

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