Adventure Time

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After a few days your wounds got better, and you decided to explore the caverns for a bit. You left the others behind at Undyne's house and took Temmie with you. The first stop you visited was an mysterious rock with water droplets falling on it from above. You found an umbrella and put it near the statue then heard it play an familiar tune, it sounded like an music box.

(...Oh! It's His theme! Cool!...)

You and Temmie went back to the piano puzzle room and played the tune the statue was making on the piano. You heard an secret door open then you and Temmie went into the room. In the room was an red orb sitting in the middle of the room. You couldn't pick it up because your inventory was full, with too many dogs.

(...What the heck?!...)

Then you opened your inventory and dropped the dog. It was Snowy, and you looked at the dog confused "Where did you come from?"

Then Snowy set its sights on the red orb and engulfed it and ran away. You yelled at it to get it to come back"..Hey! Get back here!" but the dog was long gone. You stood there in shock and fell to your knees dramatically and pouted "...Aw, man...and I worked hard on that puzzle too" and Temmie comforts you by nudging its paw on your knee "Hoi that's rough Boi!"

...Gaster laughs at what happened...Ha Ha Ha! You got trolled by an dog!...

You got up and checked the inventory again only to find that it had dog residue and you looked at it weirdly "What is this?!" "H-hoi!" You looked down at Temmie to see them freaking out over it "Hoi! That's dog residue! If you take it to Tem village! You can can sell it to Temmie for high prices! Boi!" You left the area and encountered Shyren, she looks away from you shyly humming a low tune. You looked at Temmie "Let's cheer her up!" Temmie nods in agreement "Hoi!" then got a little closer to her and hummed a catchy tune.

She barely turns to look at you, and sings a little louder. You continued to hum, and soon some monsters show up to see what was going on. Shyren hums even louder and you continued the tune, then Sans suddenly shows up and starts to sell toilet paper tickets. The seats are sold out, you suddenly feel like an rock star and hummed louder. Monsters started to scream and cheer the both of you on, while some started to throw clothing, it's a storm of socks. You and Shyren have come so far but now it's time, you both have an journey to embark on, then hummed an final tune.

You and Temmie waved goodbye to shyren and continued on "Wow! That was fun!"

The two of you arrived at Nabstablook's house then entered. Nabstablook was on the computer listening to music, then noticed the two of you "Oh...hey its you again...nice to see you...I guess..."

You smiled at the ghost "Hey Nabstablook!"

Nabstablook comes over to the middle of the room and lays down "You want to lay down with me and feel like garbage?...You don't have to if you don't want to..." You and Temmie layed down on the floor next to Nabstablook then looked up at the ceiling. After a while, you started to see the cosmos then raised your hands in the air and randomly yelled out "I have become Undertale trash!"

You and Temmie left Nabstablook's house and went to the last stop, Temmie village. The other Temmies surrounded you and Temmie "Hoi! Welcom back to Tem Village Boi!"

You explored the village while Temmie was being reacquainted with their friends. You came up upon a Temmie watching an egg "What cha doing?"

"Hoi Tem watch egg! Eg will hatch! Tem...proud parent!"

You checked out the egg, it was hard boiled.

(...I don't have the heart to tell them...)

Then you walked up to another Temmie and they screamed at you with happiness "Awawawawah! Human...such a...cute!" You screamed back at them "You're soo adorable!" You went up to another one covered in rashes "Hoivs. Tem alergic to human" You grimaced at the hives on their face "Sorry to hear that!" Then you suddenly felt like you were being watched, you turned around and see another Temmie staring at you in a hole in the wall.

You walked away and came upon an statue of Temmie then read the plaque "Statue of tem...Very famus. Very!" Temmie walked up to you after they were done talking to their friends and pointed to a shop "Hoi! There's Tem shop!" You walked in and Temmie welcomed you "Hoi! Welcolm to da Tem shop!" You showed Temmie the dog residue, they get excited and start vibrating "You gots dog residu! Tem needs it for cool leg please! Can Tem have it!"

You handed it over to them "Sure here ya go!"

Suddenly Temmie leaves then comes back wearing an graduation cap "Thanks! Boi You really helped Tem out! You began to leave the village to return to the others when you heard Temmie's from behind "Hoi Tem know human had found their friends...but Tem would like to com along with human on their journey if that's ok Boi!"

You turned around and smiled at Temmie "Sure! The more the merrier!"

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