A Date With Sans

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As your battle with Papyrus ended you went to look for Sans, while Paprus looked after Frisk.

You found him not far from Snowdin's outskirts at another station.

He sees you then waves you over "Hey! I guess your battle with my brother turned out well!"

You asked "What are you doing here?"

Sans leans forward and sets his elbow on the counter then rests his head on his hand "What you haven't seen a guy have two jobs before? Fortunately, two jobs means twice as many legally-required breaks.~"

He looks at you "Hey, I'm going to grillby's want to come?"

You replied "Sure!"

Sans smiles then winks at you "Well, if you insist...I'll pry myself away from my work."

Sans puts up a sign that said "Gone on a break, be back whenever."

He then walks out of the stand and walks to you "Over here, I know a short cut, follow me."

He then walks in an opposite direction, instead of where you just came from.

You look at Sans confused and pointed behind you "Isn't grillby's this way?"

Sans smirks at you smugly and then magically makes a portal "Not, if you have time travelling powers!~"

You looked at Sans astonished "So, that's how you keep getting ahead of us so quickly, before!"

Sans replied "Yep...,then he holds an hand out you, so are you coming or not?"

You took his hand and the both of you went through the portal.


You and Sans landed in front of grillby's.

Sans asked "Fast shortcut, huh?"

You replied "You're telling me! That was so cool!"

He blushes a small blue shade on his cheeks then rubs his head from your compliment, then he opens the door and you two went in.

Sans replied "Hey, everyone!"

They all happily greeted him "Hi Sans, Greetings Sans, and Hiya Sansy!"

One monster asked him an question "Hey Sans, weren't you just here for breakfast, a few minutes ago?"

He replies with an grin "Nah, I haven't had breakfast in at least half an hour."

Then he winks and continues "...You must be thinking of brunch.~"

Every monster in the pub including you, cracked up at the joke he made.

Sans pulls out an seat near the bar counter "Here, get comfy!"

But before you sat down he sneaks an whoopie cushion, when you weren't looking.

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