Sleepover At Toriel's And A Vivid Dream

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You and Frisk smiled at Toriel, then Frisk held on to Toriel's hand

(...Good Ol' Goat Mom!...)

"Whats your name child? Frisk, Is that you are trying to say?"

Frisk nods their head in agreement.

Toriel smiled and looked at you "what's your name dear?"

You answered her "(Y/N) , ma'm"

She smiled and replied "My, what a polite young lady you are!, I think you'll do just fine, should you ever encountered any monsters, Come along dearies it's not safe wandering alone the catacombs, it's full of puzzles and monsters who will attack you."

Toriel then lead you both to a room that had a dummy, "Frisk I want you to practice with this dummy here, go ahead try and say something to it"

Frisk turned to the dummy and was about to say something to it, but stopped...they raised their arm and punched it, then the dummy broke in half.

(...Oh no, it's Chara!...)

You and Toriel were in shock at just happened, mostly you were a little terrified.

She replied "Oh my, you didn't have to break the dummy, let's hope you don't do that, if you ever encounter any monsters."

About halfway through the ruins, Toriel stopped and turned around and replied " I'm going to have to leave you both alone for a while. Here take these cell phones, call me if you need anything." then she walked off.

After a few seconds you and Frisk played with the phones. Frisk called Toriel and called her mom and you flirted with her by telling her she was a hot goat mama, then you and Frisk snickered when you both heard a flustered Toriel on the other end. You and Frisk decided that was enough for now, then went ahead and tried to follow where Toriel went. While you both were walking, you had a feeling that you were being followed.

You turned around and when you did, at the corner of your eye you could have sworn you saw something, a yellow petal, but there was nothing there.

Frisk stopped and looked at you confused. You replied "It's nothing. I thought I saw something, let's keep moving."

Near the end of the ruins to Toriel's house, you both encountered something laying on the ground, sleeping...Nabstablook, the ghost.

You looked at Frisk "What should we do? He's blocking the path"

Frisk looked at you and smiled then went over to Nabstablook and poked him.

(...You sure have an interesting way of waking someone up, Frisk...)

Nabstablook slowly opened one eye and woke up. He looked up and saw you and Frisk staring at him. He replied "Oh, did you want me to move? Ok, I will if you want me to..." and he disappeared.

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