Chara And Asriel's Past

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You and Gaster got into the elevator going up to the next floor. During the ride, he could feel the tension coming off of you and decided that it was enough.

He puts his hand on your shoulder, comfortingly "Do you mind telling me what wrong?"

You looked away to the side not looking straight in his eyes "It's nothing!..."

He tightened his grip on your shoulder "Up until now you've always been bright and full of confidence! But now, somethings changed, you're not who you were before."

You tried to shrug off his hand "I'm telling you, nothing's wrong!"

He growls softly feeling irritated "Don't give me that excuse!"

You gave in to his constant prodding "Im scared."

He glances at you, knowing of whom you were talking about, then looks down wondering what to say "You know I've never told you what happened to me after my accident."

You eyes glistened with curiosity and you looked at him and he begins "When I fell, everyone thought that I was dead, but really I wasn't in a sense, just forgotten. The only one who could barely remember me was Sans, but eventually he too would have forgotten me."

He stays silent for a minute letting you take in what he was saying then continued "But after a while, I managed to try to reach out to someone hoping I could get an answer."


He smiles and shakes his head "When I managed to get a connection with someone after being with no contact for soo long, I felt relieved that I was actually communicating with someone. I'd admit that you are kind of infuriating to deal with."

You looked at him feeling insulted "Hey!"

He put his hands out in defense to reassure you "But! You've grown on me!" He lets out a deep breath and looks at his hand as if it was going to vanish "Every minute I fear that this is all just a dream that I will wake up back in the darkness. But you... you and Alphys made it possible for me to be with my family again, and for that I thank you."

The elevator dings when it stopped at its destination. He gets off first then turns around to face you "Listen to me when I tell you this. If danger ever should arise, I will protect you. And Frisk, even if I'm not there."

You rushed over to him and hugged him "Thanks Gaster. That actually cheered me up! Maybe if I just reason with Asgore, he'll probably won't have to fight me! And we'll find a way to break the barrier, together!"

He smiles glad that his pep talk helped "Let's go, the journey is almost over!"

In front of your sights, there was a house that looked an awful lot like Toriel's from the Ruins,...New Home.

You and him entered it to find it completely empty "I guess I will have to show you."

You turned around to see him walking over to you and you backed up cautiously, wondering what he was going to do. He reached out and put his hands on your cheeks "Don't get the wrong idea. This is the only way I can show you what happened."

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