An Unlikely Alliance And A Noodle Break

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Asriel backs away from you and Chara in fear "Wh-What did you do...? What is this feeling...? What's happening to me?"

Chara tried to walk closer to him "Asriel, it's me, Chara!"

"No! NO! I don't need ANYONE!" STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me!? I'll tear you apart!"

He throws an attack directly at Chara, they had no chance at dodging it.

"Chara!" You jumped in front of them to protect them from the attack.

You opened in front of you protecting you and Chara was Gaster's shield.

.(..How?! Gaster is not with me anymore.)

Then you remembered back to your previous conversation with him "I will always protect you even if I'm not there."

(...He must have gave it to me. Thank you so much!...)

You looked down at Chara to see them looking at you shocked and unharmed too "Why did you do that?"

"I couldn't just let you get blasted."

"I just don't understand." They looked up to see Asriel growling in anguish "My brother is not in his right mind. We have to help him."

Chara grimaced as if it was a bitter taste in their mouth for what they were about to say next "I hate to admit it, but let's call this a truce for now."

You smirked at them "That's fine by me."

Asriel then looks at you " ...(Y/N), Do you know why I am doing this? Why I keep fighting to keep you around...? "I'm doing this because you're special, "

You're the only one that understands me. You're the only one who's any fun to play with anymore. No...that's just not it. I'm doing this because I care about you, (Y/N)! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave. I'm not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again."

He unleashed a powerful beam and fired it and you blocked it "So please...STOP doing this. AND JUST LET ME WIN! STOP IT! STOP IT NOW!"

"Asriel, this has to stop."

He looks down at you sadly and stays silent for a moment until he spoke "...I'm so alone, ...I'm so afraid, (Y/N) ...I... ,I...I'm so sorry."

He looks at Chara and laughs softly as if he was remembering something "I always was a crybaby, wasn't I, Chara?"

"Yep! You sure are!~"

"I haven't felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was souless. I lacked the power to love other people. However, with everyone's souls inside me. I not only have my own compassion back, but I can feel every other monster's as well. They, all care about each other so much. And they care about you too, (Y/N). And Frisk. I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. Papyrus...Sans...Undyne...Alphys...Toriel...Asgore...Temmie...and Gaster.

Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you, it feels as if they all really love you. HaHa... I'll understand if you can't forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. Friends, family, bystanders, there's no excuse for what I've done."

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