As The World Falls Down~

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(...Hmm, where am I?...)

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a completely different outfit, a white ball room gown. ...What is going on?!... You heard music and looked up to see a masquerade ball with monsters dancing with other monsters, wearing masks. You looked around to find out that you were the only human there. You felt a little out of place. You walked up to one of the dancers to speak to them, to ask them where you were, but nothing came out of your mouth (...I can't talk!...)

You tried to squeeze through the crowded room until you saw someone holding a mask in front of his face. He lowered it and you were surprised by what you saw.

There's such a sad love

He looked like Toriel but with longer horns and he was standing there in front of you, staring at you with a forlorn expression.

Deep in your eyes

A kind of pale jewel

Opened and Closed

Within your eyes

You stared back at him wondering who he was, then you recognized him.


I'll place the skys

Within your eyes

He disappears and you tried to find him in the huge crowd.

There's such a fooled heart

You saw him waltzing with one of the dancers and tried to walk over to him until some monsters blocked you and started harassing you. You quickly broke away from them to try and find him but only to find that he disappeared again.

Beatin' so fast

In search of new dreams

A love that will last

Within your heart

I'll place the moon

Within your heart

As the pain sweeps through

You tried look everywhere trying to find him and he ends up behind you laughing playfully as you just missed him.

Makes no sense for you

Every thrill is gone wasn't too much fun at all

Everyone begins mockingly laughing at you when it happened.

But I'll be there for you

As the world falls down!

Falling (x-2)

Falling in love

You looked all around to find him appearing in different places and disappearing and the other dancers staring at you intensely.

I'll paint you mornings of gold

I'll spin you Valentine evenings

Though we're strangers 'til now

We're choosing the path, between the stars

I'll leave my love, between the stars

You turned around to find him standing right beside you with female monsters swooning over him on his shoulders. He tells them to go dance with someone else and walks over to you then took your hands and started waltzing with you.

As the pain sweeps through

Makes no sense for you

Every thrill is gone wasn't too much fun at all

But I'll be there for you

As the world falls down!~

Falling (x-3)

You started to feel overwhelmed by everyone staring at you while you were dancing with him.

Falling in love

As the world falls down!~

Makes no sense at all

Makes no sense to fall

As the world falls down!~

Falling (x-2)

Falling in love (x-2)

(...Is this where I'm supposed to be? I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something important...but what?...)

"Sis!" You hear someone calling out for you, they sounded familiar "Please don't leave me!" Your eyes widen when you remembered

(...Frisk! I have to help them! I have to help them save everyone!...)

You pushed 'Asriel' away from you and past the crowd of monsters. They all tried to block you, keeping you from escaping, while telling you to "come back". You managed to escape and followed the voice calling for you.

Falling in love


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