The Monster King And The True Meaning Of LV And EXP!

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Asgore stares at him with disbelief "Gaster?! You're alive?! I can't believe it! I missed you old friend..."

He smiles and walked over to him "As I you, Asgore."

You smiled at the friendly conversation going on

(...Why was I so nervous about meeting him. He's really nice!...)

He smiles at Gaster for a second then becomes stern "Gaster, let's finally finish this

...kill the human."

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at both of them in shock

(...Wait?! What?!...)

He looks at Asgore then quickly glances at you with hesitation, then back to him and shakes his head finally making his choice "No."

Asgore looks at him, confused and with betrayal "Gaster? Why now are you refusing to help me?" Then he looks at him accusingly "You haven't developed feelings for this human, have you?"

He tried to brush off his accusation "W-what?! Pffft! No, that's preposterous! Ha ha! Why would you think that?"

Asgore looks at him sternly "I've known you for a long time, Gaster. I can tell when you're lying to me."

"I'm not!"

"Then why aren't you looking me in the eyes."

There was an long awkward silence in the room, until he sighs, knowing he couldn't hide it any longer, and turned to look at you "OK, I admit it. I've felt an attraction towards you for quite a while now. No, that's a lie too,...ever since I've met you."

Asgore looks at him outraged "Have you forgotten how we've ended down here in the first place?!"

He points a finger at you "It's because of them! You can't fall in love with her, I forbid it! I made a clear rule about this to every monster down here. Now, I won't ask again. Do what must be done."

Gaster shook his head refusing "I won't do it!"

Asgore gives him an disappointed look "You've changed, Dr. Gaster. What makes this human, so different from the ones that YOU experimented on in the past?"

You looked at him completely stunned "What does he mean...experimented on?"

He refused to look at you, instead he focuses on the golden flowers underneath him.

You asked him concerned, wanting an answer "Gaster?"

He kneels down to pick one, still refusing to look at you, then he finally answers "When I was the previous royal scientist, Asgore asked me to figure out a way to extract human souls with out destroying them in the process. You have seen it in Alphys's lab, the determination extraction machine."

Your eyes widen in realization as you remembered (...That huge machine shaped like a gaster blaster...)

He takes a shaky breath, repulsed by his actions, and covers his face with his hand, thinking that you would be disgusted with him "What I did was wrong."

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