Do You Want to be a Millionaire?

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You and the others continued across the lava bridge, towards the hotlands. Once you all reached your destination, you all stopped to see the building.

"A Lab? What's an laboratory doing out here?"

Gaster informs you...This used to be my old laboratory...I used to be the royal scientist for Asgore...

You answered to him a bit nervous... (The more I hear of Asgore's name the more nervous I've become and Frisk is probably freaking out...)

He reassures you...Don't worry! He's a big fluffy pushover! He's the nicest person you've ever met!...

You paused for a moment (...Why are you suddenly being so nice all of a sudden?...usually you're arguing with me...)

He abruptly answers...N-no reason! And I don't argue with you all the time!...

You laughed at his're arguing with me right now!~

...This conversation is over...

You all enter through the door, it was pitch black inside. You all stumbled around the room until you bumped into something "Wait what's this?"

In front of you was an huge computer monitor, and you see: You, Frisk, Sans Papyrus and Temmie on the screen. You backed away, cautiously "We were being watched this whole time?!"

You hear an door sliding open, then very silent footsteps approaching beside you, and someone meekly replies "O-oh h-hello...I w-wasn't expecting a-any company?" The lights come on, in front of you was an yellow monster, wearing an lab coat and glasses.

She looks at Sans and Papyrus and shyly smiles "H-hey Sans! H-hi Papyrus!"

Sans grins at her "Hi Alphys. How's it going?

" Papyrus happily waves hello to her "Hello, Alphys! It's been awhile since we seen you!"

and Temmie energetically replies "And I'm Temmie! Boi!"

She meekly smiles, then looks behind them then her expression changed into an look of panic when she sees you and Frisk "O-oh Omg! I didn't expect you to show up so soon! I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, I'm messy and...!" Then she quickly calms down a bit after her panic episode "H-h-hiya! I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm Asgore's royal scientist! B-b-but ahhh, I'm not one of "the bad guys"! Actually since you two have stepped out of the Ruins. I've um...been "observing" your journey through my console. Your fights...your friendships...everything! I was originally going to stop you, but...watching people on screen really makes you root for them! So I w-want to help you! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you all through the Hotland! I know a way right to Asgore's castle, no problem!"

Then she pauses and laughs nervously "Well um, actually, there's just a tiny issue..."

You looked at her confused "What?"

"A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built him to be an entertainment robot. Uh you know, like an robotic TV star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make him more useful. You know just some small practical adjustments. Like um...anti...anti-human combat features...?"

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