A Crash Landing into Undertale and A Tu-toriel

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* poke

"...Hmmm...Five more minutes, mom."


Getting irritated by the poking, you wake up drowsly to find yourself on a bed of flowers and a familiar face in front of you, Frisk. You quickly jolt up

(...No way. I'm really here in Undertale...)

Frisk looks up at you and pointed then you look at Frisk questionly "Hmm, you want to know who I am?"

Frisk nods their head

"I'm (Y/N). "

Then you hear something behind you " Howdy!"

Your eyes widen at the familiar voice "I'm Flowey the Flower!"

(... Oh no, not him!...)

You turned around to see Flowey smiling "innocently" up at you and Frisk and he replied "I can't believe you both survived that fall! Not just anyone would survive that...How about I tell you the rules of this place!~"

You quickly grabbed Frisk's hand and they look at you confused, then you look at flowey and smiled nervously "As much as we love to stay and chat with you, I think we will be just fine we can find our way out of the ruins!"

Just as you and Frisk were about to walk away one of Flowey's roots blocked your path, and Flowey smiled sweetly "Aw come on~ I'm trying to help you guys, it's rude not to accept help when it's offered, so listen to what I have to say-

You quickly cut him off before he could finish "No, I think we'll be fine."

Flowey gives you a scary look "STOP INTERRUPTING!"

Your eyes widen and hushed up (... I better not tick him off...)

Then you and Frisk see your souls coming out of your bodies, Frisk was a dark red color, while your's was (Favorite color) but yours was little bigger for some reason .

"You see those hearts floating, those are your souls down here us monsters have what's called LOVE, then Flowey shot out some pellets, these are called Love pellets if you touch them you will gain EXP, go ahead touch them!~"

You narrowed your eyes at the flower (...You liar...)

Before you could stop Frisk, it was already too late they had already touched them, they jumped back and dropped to their knees holding their chest in pain. You dropped down to their level and put your hand on their shoulder "Frisk!"

Then Flowey gave the both of you a creepy smirk and laughed "Hee Hee Hee! I can't believe you actually fell for that! You really thought that I was going to help you, Down here it's kill or be killed! And Flowey released another set of pellets, only one more soul and then all of us monsters can leave the mountain for good!"

Then Flowey turns to you "Then there's you...your soul is bigger than average. Well, I'll just eat yours and become even more stronger! The bigger they are, the better they taste!" The pellets started to get closer to the both of you.

(...Not good!...If we die here then we really will die for real this time!)

Then you hear a voice in your head

...Don't worry, help will come soon!

(Who is this?!)

...All will be revealed in time...

(Wait,don't leave!...)

Then a stray fireball came out of nowhere and hit Flowey and blasted him away.

A gentle voice replied "Such a nasty little thing, picking on two defenceless humans!"

You looked up to see a white goat monster, wearing a purple and white dress with rune designs of a ball, which looked like a golden snitch from harry potter, with three triangles pointing in different directions in the center.

She replied "Hello, I am Toriel, the guardian of these ruins."

Toriel holds out a hand to the both of you and smiled, "Come with me. I will guide you out of the catacombs."

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