Obviously, Let's Role Play It!

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You and Temmie finally reached your destination to Alphys's lab and you reached your hand out to knock on the door.

You could hear feet scrambling behind it "G-go away!" You continued to knock "Special delivery!"

"I-I don't want no m-more letters!"

You pulled out Undyne's letter holding it out teasingly "Are you sure?~ Not even if it's from Undyne!~"

You could hear screams of joy from behind the door then it opened and Alphys steps out timidly. You handed her the letter and she reads it while giggling and smiling "S-she w-wants to go on a date with m-me!" Then she begins to panic and she grabs her head, nervous "B-but what if I m-mess it up?! W-what if I blow it?!"

You smiled and patted her on the shoulders "I'll help you!"

She looks up at you surprised and she feels a burst of confidence flowing through her "Oh, OK! I'll do it! It's the least I can do to make it up to you! I'll get dressed wait here!" You waited for a few minutes until she comes out wearing a polka dot dress "H-how do I look? My friend helped me pick out this dress. She got a great sense of...um anyway, let's do this thing!"

"OK," you turned to look at Temmie "Temmie, I need you to go back to MTT Resort, I'll be back later."

"OKs sees yous laters boi!"

You and Alphys walked together Waterfall dump. "It is a great place to find anime! I come here sometimes with Undyne to find dvds, you should come by sometime if you want to, and watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!"


Then she gets nervous, you looked over to the direction she was looking to see Undyne walking up. She begins to shake nervously "I-I can't do this! I can't let her see me like this!" She runs and hides behind a trashcan. You tried to yell at her to get her to come back "Alphys!" Undyne walked up to you "Hey there you are! I, uh, realized if you deliver that thing...it might be a bad idea. So I'm going to do it! Give it to me!"

"Sorry, I don't have it anymore."

"Huh?! You don't have it! Nggggaaahhh! Well have you at least seen her?" You glanced to where Alphys was hiding then smiled mischievously "Oh, she's around here somewhere!~"

She growls and stomps off "You're no help!"

When she was out of sight, Alphys walks out, embarrassed "Well I guess it's obvious, huh? I...I really like her. I mean more than I like other people! I'm sorry I messed it up, again. Undyne is way out of my league...n-not that you aren't, um, cool! I mean Undyne is confident, strong, and funny...And I'm just a nobody. I'm the royal scientist, but...all I've ever done is hurt people. I'll never live up to Dr. Gaster's reputation.

Everyone always looked up to him and praised him...he was the one to inspire me to become one."

You tried to cheer her up "Alphys you have made accomplishments! You made Mettaton! You helped us with Frisk's problem! You even made cool upgrades on our phones! You have awesome hacking skills! That wasn't Gaster, that was all you!"

"But if she gets close to me...if she found out what I've done..."

"You have to tell her the truth!"

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