"Liam, I swear to god." I muttered to myself, kicking a pair of heels out of the way that were in the front entry.

I slammed the door shut so that he would realize that I was home and maybe send the random girl home. I sat my bag down on the counter and slipped my black jacket off of my shoulders. I draped it over the back of the bar stool and made my way to the fridge. God, I'm starving.

As I sat down at the counter with leftover Chinese, I heard footsteps come to the kitchen from the bedroom. Here we go. A girl with bright blonde hair and smeared lip stick appeared and I just motioned over my shoulder to the shoes. She flushed and scrambled to get her shoes on, the tight dress preventing much movement, and finally left. Soon enough, Liam came out with messy hair and only in his boxers. I rolled my eyes and shoved a bite of rice in my mouth.

"What is that? Fifth one this week?" I snapped and got up to throw my empty box away and Liam snorted.

"I'm sorry, Sam." Liam sang with a smirk and I just rolled my eyes again. "C'mon, you love me."

"Ew, take a damn shower." I shoved him away as he tried to hug me and Liam just laughed. "You smell like cheap perfume and desperation."

"At least I can get some." He snarked with a laugh and I pushed past him, making my way to my bedroom.

I grabbed my camera from my bag and plugged it into my laptop, pulling up the pictures. I scrolled through the pictures and deleted a few, downloading the good ones to my computer. I heard Liam come into my room and I sighed a little as he plopped down on my bed.

"How was your day?" Liam asked and I kept to my work.

"Fine, you?" I answered simply, clicking on one picture of the bridge downtown.

"Good, do you have class tomorrow?" I shook my head. "Wanna go get breakfast in the morning?"

"Only if you're paying." I said, a smirk finding it's way to my face. "I'll make dinner tonight."

"Fair enough." Liam agreed and I turned around to see him, now fully clothed. "Better get to it then; I'm starving."

I playfully groaned and stood up, going to the kitchen. I tossed my brown hair up into a bun and took a deep breath, getting out a pot. I filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil, opening a package of noodles. I started cooking some chicken in a separate pan and sauce in another. I heard the shower start and I continued cooking, trying not to burn anything.

"One of the many reasons you are my best friend." Liam said, coming into the kitchen after a while.

I laughed a little and put chicken and noodles on a plate, topping it with sauce. Liam grabbed silverware and sodas while I plated. We've been doing this for so long that it's just a routine. I sat the plates down at the bar and plopped myself in one of the barstools, immediately digging in. We ate in a comfortable silence and I just picked at my food, not having much of an appetite.

"My god, Sam, your dad taught you well." Liam groaned, shoveling the food into his mouth.

I laughed a little and got up to throw my paper plate away. Liam quirked an eyebrow, probably confused that I didn't eat, and I just gave him a smile. I drank the rest of my soda and tossed the can in the recycling bin and sat back down as Liam went for seconds.

"Movie tonight?" Liam asked, his mouth full, and I shrugged, not really caring. "I'll make margaritas." He prompted.

"Fine." I sighed and began cleaning the kitchen up.

"You okay?" Liam asked with furrowed eyebrows and I nodded, weakly smiling. "Are you not hungry?"

"Just a lot on my mind." I vaguely replied and Liam cocked his head to the side in question. "Strawberry or lime?" I held up the two different margarita mixes to quit our discussion.

"Lime." I nodded and began mixing the tequila and mix, cutting up some limes. "What's wrong, Sam? You're a horrid liar." Liam laughed and I just ignored him, turning on the blender.

I hate him always asking how I'm doing. It gets annoying after a while. I know he has a reason to be worried, but I can take care of myself. I saw Liam frown in my peripheral vision and as I turned off the blender he began to talk again. I turned it back on and every time he tried to talk, I clicked the button. Liam groaned and I just laughed a little, pouring the slush into glasses.

Liam tossed his plate into the trash and followed me to the living room. He picked out a movie and as the opening credits started, I pulled my phone out. I texted Cameron, asking him to come over, and he quickly replied that he was on his way. I took a big gulp of my margarita and pulled my knees to my chest on the couch. Liam sat on the opposite end and eyed me warily when I chugged the rest of my drink. I've never been a heavy drinker, but I needed it right now. The front door opened and in walked Cameron with a smile.

"Hey, babe." He gave me a kiss and I stood up from the couch.

I offered Liam a smile and he just rolled his eyes. Cameron grabbed my hand and we made our way to my bedroom. I shut my door behind us and Cameron immediately had me pressed up against the wall, his lips on mine. My mind was telling me to stop as we stumbled to the bed, but my body was saying otherwise. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but I needed to feel something.

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