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"Alright, say cheese." I held up the stuffed animal over the camera and looked into the eye piece, snapping a few shots as the baby laughed. "Why don't we get mom and dad in here?"

The young couple, probably only a couple years older than me, walked over and I helped them situate to be in the shot. I walked back to my camera and took a few pictures, smiling at the family. I finished up a moment later and walked them to the front of the studio to pay. I got their address to send the picture disc and they smiled, leaving the studio. I sighed and went back to the room to pick up the chairs and pillows.

"Sam!" I turned around to see Emily walking through the front door. "I brought you lunch." She sang and I laughed, making my way to the front.

"What did you do?" I furrowed my eyebrows since Emily never does little nice things like this.

"I have an announcement." She smiled, handing me a bowl of soup.

"Are you pregnant?" I questioned, sitting at the desk and digging into the tomato soup.

"Hell no." She giggled, taking a bite of the sandwich in her hands. "But, something is happening with Harry and I."

"Oh, please. We all knew that." I rolled my eyes.

"He told me he loved me." I squealed and ran around the counter to hug her. "And I said it back and oh my god, Sam, I have never been this happy."

"Aww, I'm happy for you two." I smiled.

"And, there's something you all don't know." She bit her lip and I cocked my head to the side, taking a bite of my soup. "We've actually been together for a year and a half."

"No fucking way." My mouth fell open and she just shrugged. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I don't know. But he asked me to marry him." I almost choked on my water. "Will you be my maid of honor?"

"Wait. Did I hear you right? Harry proposed? To you?" I asked slowly and she nodded, a smile breaking out on her face. "Well, of course I'll be your maid of honor."


I hummed to myself, walking into the apartment with the mail in my hands and sat my bag down. I flicked through the envelopes and put Liam's on the counter, taking mine. I stopped in my tracks seeing the one letter from NYU and immediately tore it open, sitting down at the kitchen table. I unfolded the crisp white paper and my hands shook as I read through the letter.

Dear Samantha Haynes,

Congratulations. We are very glad to inform you that you have been accepted to the school of arts and media here are New York University.

I finished reading the letter and my smile grew. I did it. I got in. The woman who hired me at the studio sent in an application for me to do the photography program at NYU. I've been dreaming of New York since I was a little girl and I finally got in. The program is for six months and I've been waiting for the acceptance letter for months.

"Sam?" I heard Liam call out and my eyes widened. He can't know. He'll be crushed if I leave. "You home?"

"In the kitchen." I replied and put the letter back in the envelope, shoving it in my bag.

"Any ideas for dinner?" He asked, giving me a kiss on the cheek and I shrugged, fumbling with my fingers in my lap.

"I can go pick something up." I suggested and Liam smiled, nodding. "Be back in a few."

I got up from the chair and quickly left the apartment, trying not to fall on my way out. I went to my car and started it up, immediately dialing one of the only numbers I knew by heart. Harry's deep voice came out through the speaker phone and I sighed.

"Haz? Do you have a minute?" I asked and he replied with a yes. "First of all, congrats on the engagement."

"My mum doesn't know yet. You can't say anything." I laughed a little and I could tell Harry was smiling. "So what's up?"

"I got in to the program in New York." I said and Harry cheered.

"Sam, that's great!" He exclaimed and I frowned. "What did Liam say?"

"I haven't told anyone but you. I just got the letter in the mail." I sighed, turning into the diner. "Harry, I don't know what to do. It's six months. I've never been away for that long." I trailed off and walked into the diner, going to the take out line.

"You'll never get this opportunity again, though, Sam. You have to go." Harry urged and I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Don't let Liam hold you back. He'll understand."

"I know he will, Harry. I just, I don't know." I smiled at Dana and she mouthed 'the usual' making me nod. "You can't tell him."

"If you go, you're going to have to tell him sooner or later." I knew he was right.

"I gotta go, Harry. I'll call you later."

"Bye, Sammy."

I hung up my phone, grabbing the take out bag from Dana and paying her. I walked back to my car and sat inside it, taking a deep breath. Liam can't know. I finally got the nerve to leave the diner and head back to the apartment. I parked in the lot and sat in my car for a moment, not making the move to get out.

"You okay?" I asked Liam as soon as I walked in the door. His face was pale and he just stared at the wall, sitting at the table. "Liam?"

"My mum just called." He said quietly and finally met my eye. "My dad's gone."

"What?" My voice faltered and he nodded.

"He was in an accident and he didn't make it." Liam got quieter towards the end and my heart broke for him.

"I'm so sorry, Li." I whispered, making the move to pull him into a hug.

"Don't. Just stop." Liam pushed past me and went to his room, slamming the door behind him.

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