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"Okay, can we get the maid of honor and best man up here?" Nancy, the wedding planner called out.

I huffed, pulling myself up from the pew, trying not to fall in my heels, and Liam followed suit, walking behind me to the front of the chapel. We stood next to Harry and Emily, who's smiles never left their faces, and smiled for the camera. Emily tugged me into a hug and I smiled a little at the small bump protruding from her stomach.

I remember a week after we went dress shopping, she told Harry about the pregnancy. I can honestly say that I have never seen him happier than that moment. He was crying tears of joy and literally could not get over how excited he was.

"How about the rest of the wedding party?" Nancy yelled and Gemma and a couple other bridesmaids came up to the front along with Harry's groomsmen.

We took a few serious pictures and they soon turned into funny ones, which Nancy frowned at. At one point, we were all laughing so hard so we couldn't even take a picture. Emily's family came up so we could sit down, along with Anne. A man I had never seen before was sitting in the pew and he grabbed Anne's hand when she sat back down. I frowned and I guess Liam noticed because he pressed a kiss to the side of my head, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"We should probably get to the reception hall." I said, standing up from the pew as the photographer put his camera away.

Liam followed me out and grabbed my hand as we walked down the dark streets. I could tell that he wanted to say something, but I kept my eyes on the ground. We finally got to the reception hall that was a couple of blocks away and went inside to see everyone already eating. We went through the buffet and sat down with all of the other people in the bridal party. I took my seat next to Gemma and clutched my fork to where my knuckles were white when Anne and the mysterious man walked in.

After a while, I got up to throw away my full plate and to find the bar. I ordered a glass of wine and tapped my foot impatiently, as the bartender poured it. As soon as I got the glass in my hands, I took a big drink. I went back to the table and gave Gemma a fake, reassuring smile as she eyed me concernedly.

Soon enough, the wedding was in full swing and everyone was dancing. Liam grabbed my hand and tugged me to the dance floor with a smile and I couldn't help but return it. A slow song came on and he wrapped his arms around my waist with mine around his neck. I felt a pair of eyes on us so I turned my head and saw Karen watching us with a small smile.

"Your mum is looking at us." I whispered, trying to create a little bit of distance between us. Liam turned his head and smiled a little back at me.

"I don't think she would really care that we're dating." He shrugged and I toyed with the small hairs at the nape of his neck.

"I know, I just-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because he had leaned down and cut me off with a kiss.

My eyes widened and Liam pulled away with a smile, pulling me closer to him. I peeked over his shoulder and Karen was now full on smiling. I blushed a little and Liam just smirked, swaying us back and forth to the song playing over the speakers.

"Wanna go outside?" Liam mumbled and I nodded, smiling when he grabbed my hand.

Liam led us through the dancing bodies and we got outside, a shiver running up my spine from the cold. He took his suit jacket on and draped it over my shoulders, walking us around to the side of the building. Liam pushed me up against the brick wall and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and reached up to tangle my fingers in his hair. Liam pressed his body up against mine and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

He gripped my hips and the kiss deepened, making me tilt my head back. His hand trailed up to my waist, getting dangerously close to my breast. I tugged him closer to me by his belt loops and Liam groaned against my mouth when our hips met. Before anything else could happen, someone cleared their throat from the end of the ally. We jumped apart and I turned my head to see Karen standing there with her hands on her hips. I wiped my lips on the back of my hand and straightened up as Liam adjusted his hair.

"Um, we can explain." Liam stuttered and Karen made her way towards us.

"No need, I think I've seen enough." Karen said, a smile tugging at her lips. "How long has this been going on?" She motioned between the two of us and Liam grabbed my hand to comfort me.

"Since New Years." I said, keeping my eyes anywhere but her.

"Are you mad?" Liam hesitantly wondered and Karen sighed.

"I'm not angry. I've always kind of known you two would end up together." I finally looked up at the woman I have called my mother for my whole life and she smiled. "I just want you two to be safe."

"Mum," Liam groaned and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, despite the cold air around us.

"I don't want grandchildren anytime soon, especially with Sam going to New York and everything." My eyes widened and I guess Karen realized what she said because hers did too.

"New York?" Liam wondered, looking down at me.

"Well, it looks like you two have some things to talk about."

Karen awkwardly left the alley and went back inside, leaving Liam and I to ourselves. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I knew I was going to have to tell him about New York sometime, but not now. Every time I get the courage to say anything, my nerves kick in and I can't do it.

"What does my mum mean by New York?" Liam asked, furrowing his eyebrows and I sighed, tugging at the roots of my curled hair.

"You know that program I told you about last year in New York for photography?" I asked and Liam nodded. "Well, I got in."

"Sam, that's great." Liam smiled and I shook my head. "Why were you scared to tell me? I mean you'll only be gone a few weeks."

"That's the thing." I spoke, awkwardly, and Liam cocked his head to the side. "The program is for six months."

Before I could say anything else, Liam left the alley, walking back inside. What the hell?

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