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I leaned my head on Gemma's shoulder as we waited in line to go through security and she sighed, leaning into me. We finally got to the front of the line and I gave the man my ticket, letting him scan it. Everyone who was with me gave him their security pass and we walked through the line, letting our stuff get checked.

I put my shoes back on and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I waited for everyone else and we began making our way to the terminal. We found a row of seats and I sat next to Harry, Karen on my other side. Karen grabbed my hand and I felt tears fill my eyes since Liam wasn't here. Karen pressed a kiss to the side of my head and I leaned into her, closing my eyes.

"Flight 217 to New York City is now loading. Please make your way to the gate."

I stood up from my seat and Harry pulled me into a hug, saying that he would miss me so much. I moved on to Emily and managed to hug her with the growing bump. I gave Anne a hug and she teared up, making both of us laugh a little. I moved on to Karen and squeezed her tight, not wanting to leave her. Gemma came up to me next and a tear fell from my eye at the thought of leaving them all.

"Um, I guess I'll see you guys in six months." I sniffled and grabbed my bag. Karen hugged me again and I pulled away, wiping my cheeks.

"He'll come around, bub." Karen offered a smile and I nodded, making my way to the gate.

I let the woman scan my ticket and turned around to wave at them. They all waved back and I walked down the terminal, into the plane. I found my seat and put my bag underneath the one in front of me, taking my headphones out. I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes, listening to the music play through the earbuds.

I wiped my cheeks one last time, not wanting to be crying when the person sat next to me on the plane. I felt someone sit down next to me and I looked to see an elderly woman offering a smile. I weakly returned one and sniffled, looking down at my phone. The lock screen was of Liam and I at Harry and Emily's wedding. Gemma had taken it when we weren't looking while dancing and the picture made more tears fill my eyes.

Suddenly the lady next to me tapped my shoulder and I turned my head to see her holding out a tissue for me. I smiled in thanks and wiped my eyes and blew my nose. I took my headphones out and the plane began to ascend into the air.

"Thank you." I said quietly and she nodded.

"Is that your boyfriend?" She wondered, motioning to my phone and I shook my head.

"Um, I'm not sure anymore, to be honest." I laughed a little, wiping underneath my eyes.

"Well, you two seem like a lovely couple." She smiled and I nodded.



I thanked the land lord and walked up the stairs, lugging my suitcases behind me, and unlocked the door of my new apartment. I sat my suitcases down and flicked on the lights, taking a look around. It was a small one bedroom apartment with exposed brick and a large window that took up a whole wall. The bedroom had a sliding wooden door that separated it from the kitchen and living room.

I rolled my suitcases to the bedroom and put them on the pallet bed, unzipping them. Someone knocked on my door just as I put the sheets on the bed. I huffed and walked to the front, swinging open the door. A guy who looked about my age with jet black hair and all black clothes stood there with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi!" He smiled, reaching his hand out. "I'm Lucas."

"Sam," I introduced and he shook my hand. "Do you live down the hall?" I wondered.

"Yepp and I am now going to be your best friend." He barged into my apartment, making me furrow my eyebrows. "So, Sam, where are you from?"

"England." I answered and he followed me to the bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Explains the accent." Lucas said and I smiled a little. "What brings you to the wonderful city of New York, Sam of England?" He asked as I folded a shirt.

"School. How long have you lived here?" I asked, taking a peek over at him as he inspected his nails with black polish on them.

"Why, my whole life, of course." He explained in an over dramatic southern accent, making me laugh. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Um," I cocked an eyebrow and he laughed.

"Not me, honey. I'm straight as a circle." Lucas laughed and I smiled a little. "Do you miss him?"

"Oh, uh, we kind of broke up, I think." I stumbled over my words and Lucas cocked his head to the side in question. "It's complicated."

"How about I buy you dinner as a welcome present and you tell me all about him."

I hesitantly nodded and grabbed my purse, following Lucas out of my apartment. Even though I just met him, he seemed really cool. We walked downstairs and out into the cool air of New York. Not many people were on the sidewalk as we made our way down the street. Lucas told me about a pizza place that his sister always took him that was the best.

We finally got to the small pizza parlor and got a table in the back, ordering drinks. Lucas and I made small talk, mostly about ourselves seeing as we just met. I automatically felt comfortable around him, almost as if I had known him for years, not twenty minutes. He told me all about this guy at his work that he has been crushing on and I told him about Liam. It was so natural talking to Lucas. He made the whole transition here a bit better.

"So, you are my new best friend, Sammy Wammy." Lucas said as we got back to my apartment.

"Deal," I smiled. I think I'm really gonna like it here.

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