"Li!" I called out from the bathroom and footsteps came down the hall. "Can I drink tonight?" I asked as he poked his head in the doorway.

"Even if I say no, you probably will." Liam laughed and I poked my tongue out at him, continuing to straighten my hair.

Liam went to his room and I turned off the flat iron, running my fingers through my hair to shake it out. I began doing my makeup, sticking with simple eyeliner and mascara. I finished in the bathroom and walked to my room, going straight to the closet. I shut my door and changed into a black and blue pushup bra with lace underwear. Just in case. I tugged a pair of ripped blue jean shorts up my legs and a black crop top. I slipped on an army green sweater and rolled the sleeves up, revealing my quotation mark tattoos. I laced up black combat boots and pulled on my beanie, putting a couple rings on.

"Ready?" Liam knocked on my door so I grabbed my phone and ID, leaving the room. "I'm not holding your hair if your blow chunks."

I laughed a little at Liam as we walked to his car and I climbed into the passenger seat, taking in his outfit. He had on his signature blue jeans and sneakers with a band t-shirt. We drove in a comfortable silence, Liam quietly singing to some song on the radio. I smiled a little, listening to his voice and looked out the window at the passing scenery of the campus.

"If I see Cameron, I can't promise that I won't punch him in the face." I snorted and watched as we pulled into the driveway.

"Go ahead." Liam shot me a smile and we got out of the car, making our way to the loud house.

As soon as we walked in, the smell of vodka and weed flooded my nose and I smiled. I broke away from Liam and made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink. I poured myself a cup with just straight vodka and took a sip, cringing as it burned my throat. I wandered back to the main area and spotted Liam standing with a guy from my psychology class. I walked over and Jake smiled at me, pulling me into a side hug.

"Hey, Sam." He smiled and I smiled back, taking another drink. "I didn't know you knew Liam."

"Oh, yeah?" Liam slung an arm across my shoulders, like he always does. "He's my flatmate." Jake started smirking and my eyes widened. "No! It's not like that." I stammered and he just smiled.

"We've been best friends since we were five." Liam explained and Jake nodded.

"Alright." He smirked at me and I just rose an eyebrow. "See you around, Sam." 

"Sam!" I turned my head to see Emily stumbling over her heels, coming to me. "It's so good to see you." She slurred and I detached myself from Liam to help Emily stand up straight. "We're about to play truth or dare. You guys should totally join." 

"Sure." I laughed a little as she eyed Liam up and down, not even hiding that she was checking him out. "Li, you up for it?" 

"I guess." He shrugged and I just hooked my arm with his, tugging him to follow Emily and I. 

We followed Emily out to the backyard of the house that was littered with drunk uni students either stumbling around or passed out on the lawn. We sat down in the circle of people, some of which I was familiar with, others I had never seen before. Liam sat, uncomfortably, next to me and I just laughed at how stiff he was. Taking, a sip of my drink, I watched people make fools of themselves or others giving lap dances. Seeing as I was tipsy, it all was hilarious. After Emily was dared to do a body shot off of Jake, she looked around the circle for the next victim. Her blue eyes landed on me and she smiled. 

"Sam, truth or dare?" She asked and I took a drink. 

"Dare." Normally, I would have picked truth, but the alcohol was giving a tad bit more courage. 

"I dare you to kiss Liam." I almost choked. "And no peck, it has to last at least ten seconds." 

I gulped and nodded, turning to face my best friend. Liam gave me a slight reassuring smile as if telling me that it was okay and we slowly leaned in. Our lips met in the middle and his hand came up to cup my cheek. I swear, it was the longest ten seconds of my life. Liam's lips moved against mine and just as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, Emily called that time was up. I pulled away and my eyes widened, realizing what I had just done. And I felt my heart sink, knowing that I liked it. 

"'Scuse me." Liam muttered and stood up, quickly walking inside. 

I chugged down the rest of my vodka and watched as the game continued. I need another drink. I got up from the circle and walked inside the packed house, trying to get back to the kitchen. I found it and filled up my cup with vodka, immediately taking a drink. Realizing that I needed to go to the bathroom, I ventured upstairs to find one. I opened a few doors only to find people hooking up or making out. I opened one door and my drink fell from my hands. 

"Shit," I backed out of the room, ignoring Liam's calls for me. 

I ran down the stairs and tried to maneuver through the drunk bodies. I was just about to walk out the front door when a hand grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Cameron with blooshot eyes and a dazed smile, giving me the impression that he was high. 

"Get the hell off me." I spoke through clenched teeth and he just tightened his grip. 

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." 

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