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 "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Liam, happy birthday to you!" Everyone finished singing and Liam smiled, blowing his candles out with the help of Leo. 

"Present time!" Karen smiled and we all went to the living room with a piece of cake on plates. 

Karen handed Liam his present and he unwrapped it, immediately smiling. I noticed that it was a bunch of t-shirts, all of his favorite bands. He continued opening presents and I bounced Leo on my lap, trying to keep him entertained. Since he is only one, he gets bored and upset easily. I kept my present tucked away in the bedroom, deciding to give it to him when everyone left. 

Soon enough, everyone was a bit tipsy and they began tapering off to go home. Once Ruth and her husband had left, Liam and I were left with Leo in the house. We both began to clean up the paper plates and plastic forks, tossing them in a garbage bag. Liam took it out to the street since it was trash night and I put the food dishes in the dishwasher before grabbing Leo from his play mat on the floor. 

I cooed down at him and walked to the nursery, setting him on the changing table. I took off the pull up and changed it before putting a onsie on his small body. I smiled down at Leo as he made noises and after a moment of me walking around in the room with him on my hip, he started yawning. Leo buried his face in my shoulder and I walked over to the crib, setting him down after I had felt his breathing slow down. I put a blanket over him and shut the light off, walking out of the room and cracked the door. 

"Boo." I about jumped out of my skin as hands were wound around my waist and I laughed, turning around. 

"Ready for bed?" I asked and he nodded, tugging me to the bedroom. 

I couldn't help but laugh as Liam kicked the door shut behind us, almost falling on his butt in the process. He pouted and we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth and once finished in there, I went to change out of my jeans. I tugged one of Liam's t-shirt's over my head and tossed my hair into a bun before climbing into bed. Liam tossed his clothes in the hamper and got in after turning the light off and flipping the lamp on. 

"Have you had a good birthday?" I asked after swinging a leg across his thighs and straddling his lap. 

"It was very good. I woke up with it being good and you seem like you want to make it finish good." He smirked a little and I smiled, messing with the hair on the nape of his neck. 

"I actually have one more present for you." I bit my lip and Liam sighed, linking his arms around my waist. 

"You've already done too much, babe." He mumbled and I smiled, reaching over into the bedside table to grab the small box. 

I finally fished it out and handed it to him, watching him pull the paper off. Liam pulled the lid off and I awaited his reaction as he removed the tissue paper. I fumbled with my thumbs in my lap when his eyes landed on the positive pregnancy test in the box and a huge smile broke out on his face before he looked back up at me. 

"Seriously?" He asked quietly and I nodded, scared that he would be upset. 

"I'm three months along." I replied and his smile got even bigger, if that was possible. "Are you happy?" 

"This is the best birthday ever." He mumbled and kissed me, making me smile. "I love you, Sam." 

"I love you too, Li." I mumbled, pulling away. "So much." 


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