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I snapped a shot, looking out into the city from the top of Empire State Building, and walked a few steps to get a new angle. I had an assignment due tomorrow to capture the essence of the city and this was the best thing I could think of. I went to the opposite side of the terrace and took a picture of the river and Brooklyn, a place I really liked.

I finally had enough pictures that at least one was decent so I walked inside, making my way to the staircase. I walked down the few levels to the main elevator and quickly hopped on, seeing as it was the middle of the night. I leaned against the wall of the elevator, clicking through the pictures on my camera, and it stopped at the ground floor. I made my way out of the building and onto the empty street.

I began walking down the streets, keeping my head down, and clutched my bag closer to my body. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket so I pulled it out, assuming it was Gemma or Emily, and stopped in my tracks at the caller ID. It was Liam. I expected it to be Emily since the baby was due any day now, but I could barely bring myself to answer his call. I stared at the contact picture and before I could answer, the call ended.

I continued on my walk home, trying to shake the thoughts from my head, and my phone buzzed again, this time only once. I looked down again and noticed a voicemail from Liam. I sighed to myself and hesitated before clicking the app to open my voicemail. After finding the nerve to press the button, I held my phone up to my ear, my breath hitching at the sound of his voice. I haven't heard from Liam since I left and it's been five and a half months.

"Um, hey, Sam." Liam breathed out, obviously trying to figure out what to say. "It's been a while since we talked, I guess." He laughed a little but I could tell that it was fake. "I just wanted to see how you've been. Fuck, we both know that's not why I'm calling. I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for how I acted before you left. I was being selfish and only thinking about myself, not how great of an opportunity it was for you. I hope you know how proud I am of you. I know that we left things in kind of a bad place, and that is entirely my fault. I don't care if you don't want to date me anymore. I would be fine if you were my best friend again. I'll be here when or if you decide to call me back. Bye."

I closed my eyes, pressing a hand to my forehead, and put the phone back in my pocket, climbing the stairs to my apartment. I pushed inside and sat my bag down, taking my camera to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and put the SD card in my computer, opening up the folder with tonight's pictures. As I looked through the photos, I kept glancing over at my phone, trying to decide whether or not to call him back.

No, he hurt me. He left and didn't come back. I kept telling myself these things so I wouldn't pick up the phone and fall right back to him. He needed to know that he can't play me like that. When he found out about New York, Liam went and stayed with his friend, Louis, until I left. I was absolutely shattered when he didn't come to the airport.

The doorbell broke me from my thoughts, and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at the clock. It was one in the morning. Assuming it was Lucas, I got up from my bed, setting my computer to the side, and walked to the entryway. I flung open the door and my jaw practically hit the floor, seeing who was on the other side.

I didn't give him time to say anything before I lurched myself forward, jumping into her awaiting arms. Gemma hugged me just as tight and I smiled into her shoulder, beyond happy to have her here. Gemma broke away from the hug and we pulled her suitcase inside.

"Why are you here?" I wondered, making Gemma smile.

"Well, I missed you, of course." She laughed, making me smile. "I couldn't stand not seeing you for that long. I know you were coming home in two weeks, but I've always wanted to come to New York."

We put her suitcases in my room and plopped ourselves down on the couch. Gemma asked me questions about New York and informed me about everything going on back home. She said that Emily was due next week but they didn't want anyone there until she actually had the baby. I laughed at that, knowing how Emily never let anyone see her look bad.

"He misses you a lot." Gemma piped up after a while and I smiled, sadly, looking over at her. "I went to visit the other day and he looked awful."

"He called me earlier." I said quietly and Gemma's eyes widened. "He left a voice message and I almost had a break down, listening to it." I laughed and she sighed.

"What did he say?" She questioned.

"That he was sorry." I answered, simply, and took a drink of my tea, hugging my sweater closer to my body as the air conditioning kicked on. "How's Justin?" I turned the conversation away from me and Gemma smiled, looking down.

"Good," She smiled and I nudged her shoulder as she blushed. "He proposed last week."

"Gemma!" I squealed and she smiled. "That's great! Please tell me you said yes."

"Well, of course I said yes." She rolled her eyes and held out her left hand to reveal a diamond ring.

"I'm so happy for you." I smiled, inspecting the ring and she just smiled, leaning back on the couch.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" Gemma asked and I nodded, quickly.

"Duh," I giggled and Gemma just hit me with a throw pillow. God, did I miss this.

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