chapter 10

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It was now 10 in the morning, Ally had just woken up. Lauren had her head resting on Ally with her arms wrapped around Ally.

Ally didn't want to wake anyone up so she slowly got up making sure not to wake Lauren up.

Ally walked to her room and grabbed some clothes, she headed towards the restroom and looked in the mirror, she saw the bite marks on her neck and the small hickies Lauren left on her.

Ally was reminiscing the night she and Lauren both made love to eachother. She began to smile and take her clothes off, she turned the water on and began to shower, meanwhile, the girls all remained asleep, except for Dinah.

Dinah had woken up next, she grabbed her phone to check for messages, she had 5 missed calls from her mom. Her mom was worried and Dinah had to wake Normani up to take her home.

"Girl I am asleep." Normani says turning to her other side. "Um, I need to go home now!" Dinah says shaking Normani. "Ugh, fine!" Normani says getting up. "Should we wake Lauren up?" Dinah asks.

"It doesn't matter...well yeah let's just wake her up." Normani says. "Lauren!" Dinah says pushing her back and forth. "What?!" Lauren says rubbing her eyes. "Me and Mani are leaving okay?" Dinah says.

"Where is Ally?" Lauren asks sitting up slowly, "She's in the restroom." Dinah says smiling as both her and Normani walk towards the door. "Text us okay?" Normani said as she walked out in back of Dinah.

Lauren stood up and stretched, she began to walk to the restroom, "Babe?" Lauren says knocking. "Yes love?" Ally says curiously, "You okay?" Lauren asks. "Yes I am babe, I'm actually done." Ally says as she opens the door.

"Good morning sleepy head." Ally says as she stands on her tip-toes to reach and kiss Lauren's cheek. "Good morning beautiful, I'm gonna wash my face okay babe?" Lauren says smiling at Ally.

"Okay I'll be in my room okay?" Ally says walking to her room. Lauren begins to wash her face and brush her teeth while Ally searches for an outfit to wear.

"What do you wanna do today babe?" Ally asks. "How about we go to our spot and talk?" Lauren says smiling. "I would LOVE that." Ally says running back to her room.

Lauren started to get ready while Ally does the same. Lauren walks to her room and sees Ally laying on the bed, "You ready?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah." Ally sighs with a frown. "What's wrong babe?" Lauren asks worriedly. "It's nothing, lets go." Ally says walking past Lauren.

Lauren grabbed ahold of Ally's arm and pulled her towards herself, "Babe talk to me." Lauren said looking into Ally's eyes.

"Ugh, it's just, I just miss my family so much, it's not that I regret coming down here, I'm so happy I met you, you mean so much to me, but I just miss my family." Ally says with tears rushing down her face.

"Babe.. I know you do. I know. If you want we can go to Texas as soon as we buy plane tickets." Lauren says smiling.

"Lauren, no. Are you kidding? You're willing to buy 2 plane tickets and fly with me to Texas just so I can see my family?" Ally says smiling.

"Yeah babe! I hate seeing you upset and I love that beautiful smile of yours. I have money saved but I have to go to my parents house and tell them I'm leaving." Lauren says smiling.

"Lauren you are so amazing." Ally says hugging Lauren tightly. "I excited for you to meet my parents!! They will love you!" Lauren says as she grabs Ally's hand and walks her to the car.

Lauren knew Ally would be happy and Lauren loved seeing Ally's smile, if she could stare at Ally all day, she would. On the other hand, Lauren was excited for her Parents to meet Ally including her sister and brother. Ally was so happy that Lauren offered to go to Texas with her, no one has ever offered to do something that big and amazing for her and she highly appreciated it.

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