ITC: Lorenzo (The Red Strings of Fate)

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Lorenzo's Interview*

(Lorenzo causally walks in, hands in pocket, while the Interviewer waits. When Lorenzo was close, the Interviewer stood and they exchange shakes before they both take a seat)

Interviewer: "Shall we begin." (Raises eyebrow while Lorenzo nods) "What is your name?"

Lorenzo: "My name is Lorenzo." (winks)

(Interviewer wait for him to finish, but he never does)

Interviewer: "Okay...what kind of guy are you?"

Lorenzo: (Grins) "I am confident, alert, positive and patriotic to my country. They said I'm a great charmer when it comes to girls. Smart when it comes to planning strategies and tactics. Haha!" (Laughs)

Interviewer: "I've heard your in the military..."

Lorenzo: "Yup! I joined the military when I was only fourteen. Since my father is an aristocrat and is very close to the King, I was chosen to be an officer here in the Philippines." (Grins)

Interviewer: " you enjoy this career?"

Lorenzo: (Rubs back of neck) "Kind of. I'm already 16 and it's weird for my age to be in a serious job. But then I learned to handle it."

(Interviewer nods)

Interviewer: "What is your ranking?" (Raises eyebrow)

Lorenzo: "Teniente General" (English: Lieutenant General)

(Interviewer tilts head to the side, then shake head)

Interviewer: "Are there any girls you are attracted to?"

Lorenzo: "Oh that..." (smiles) "That girl standing by her balcony, where her curled hair flows to her waist, she's just so different. She's so natural and her face was really different. Every time I see her, the world stops and my eyes just focused on her." (Starts to daydream)

Interviewer: (Curious) "Who is it, and does she love you back?"

Lorenzo: "I think her name was Esperanza? I don't know. But one time I kneel before her and offer a flower. She's kind of surprised too when she saw me." (Smiles at thought)

Interviewer: "Is there anything that might possibly stop you two from being together?"

Lorenzo: "Nope. I'm actually having a plan just hook her up." (smiles)

Interviewer: "How, nice...if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?"

Lorenzo: "When my father forced me to join the Military service, I wish my father didn't do that. Instead of taking away my childhood and turn into a serious side, I should've enjoy my childhood. But then I cannot take it away. Since I ended up in the Philippines, I found an interesting girl in this place." (Grins)

(Interviewer smiles)

Interviewer: "What are your future plans?" (Fixes papers)

Lorenzo: "Be a good officer for the glory and future of Spain. Also, there is something related to Esperanza." (Give a huge grin)

Interviewer: "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"

Lorenzo: (Gives a sorry face) "Sorry girls, I found a new one!" (Then smiles)

Interviewer: (Check watch) "Well that was the last question." (Stands) "Thanks for coming by."

Lorenzo: "Glad I could come." (Shakes hand) "Now, I got to be somewhere else." (Winks and leaves the room, then the Interviewer follows not to long after)


Director's Note:

~Lorenzo seems to sweet and stationed in the Philippines, well better take care of my family down there. Anyways want to see what happens next check out:

-Red Strings of Fate

Author by: _unleashed_

Summary: During the Spanish Period in the Philippines, Teniente General Lorenzo De Caxias fell in love with the daughter of the Encomendero, Senorita Esperanza di Miguia. When the Encomendero's family was executed, the 6 best officers of the Governor General have to shoot the family-including Lorenzo. Now, what will he be worth dying for-Spain or his love?

~ *Sad face* This is coming to a close so soon, why????? Anyways hope you enjoyed and hope you stick around to the end ;)

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