Not a update - Requests?

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Hello! Sorry this is not a update and sorry I haven't updated in a while. School🙄
Next month I will be having two weeks off from school.
And I would love if you guys would send in requests so I can update a lot more.
I might update before next month but idk.
Please send in requests

What I need:
What kind of imagine you want (detailed please)
What character you want the imagine to be about.
Hair color
Eye color
What you want to be wearing
(If you want that in the chapter)
And stuff like that

Warning: I have not tried to write smutt. Idk if I'm good at it or not.
If you do know how to write smutt and you want to write it for me (I will give you credits) please tell me. Also please send me in a little sample of the smutt you have written so I know if I should choose you or not.

Please send in requests!

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