Jealousy - Tyler

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Drunk, sweaty, touchy...I don't think theres enough words to describe the people at this party.
You were getting overwhelmed by the amount of people in this small house so you decided to go sit on the front porch.

"Hey Jer!" You said surprised, you weren't really expecting him to be outside alone, usually he is grinding on some girl.

"Oh...hey Y/N." He said frightened by me sneaking up on him

"What are you doing out here alone? Aren't you supposed to be grinding on some girl?" You said bumping his shoulder once you sat down.

"Ha ha very funny Y/N. I'm just...overwhelmed."


"Yeah, there's just so many things going on in my life. The vampires, werewolves, witches, and who knows what else. I just feel like I have to protect everyone, especially Elena. But I know I can't." He said as he put his head down

"Hey Jer! Don't speak like that. You don't have to protect everyone. It's going to be okay just give it some time." You explained in a soothing voice

You two stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes until he brought you into a warm embrace

"Thank you Y/N I really needed that." He whispered putting his head in the crook of your neck

"No problem Jer, no problem."

"What the fuck are you two doing?" You heard a familiar voice after a couple minutes of you and Jeremy hugging

Shit, you knew Tyler got Jealous very easy. And this time you knew this wasn't going to be good; You were hugging Jermey and Tyler was drunk

You quickly pulled back and stood up, facing Tyler

"Hey ty!"

"What the fuck are you two doing?" He repeated

"Talking, just talking."

"Well it seemed like a lot more than just talking." He seethed as he grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you into his car

"What the hell is your problem?" You screamed as he started racing down the empty street

"My problem? My fucking problem is that you were flirting with your ex boyfriend."
He screamed just as loudly as you did

"What the fuck are you talking about? Jeremy is not my ex boyfriend and I was definitely not flirting with him."

Nothing...he said nothing.
You could see that he was mad from the way he was gripping onto the steering wheel and he was breathing hard.

Once he pulled up to his house, he got up and ran to his bedroom

You were in Tyler's car wth no way to get home. You of course could call someone but you wanted to fix whatever was going on between you and Tyler.

"Tyler?" You whispered softly as you stood in the doorway of his bedroom

He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands

"What?" He said, still sounding angry

You sat next to him and grabbed his head with your small hands

"I love you! I only love you! I wasn't flirting with Jeremy.
You're mad because you think I'm going to hook up with Jeremy, right?

"Y/N -"

"Shut up and Listen, Tyler."
I don't love Jeremy, I love you."

You two stared into each other's eyes until Tyler finally crashed his lips into yours

"I love you so much Y/N! I'm so sorry for getting mad at you."

Hello! Sorry for not updating.
I hope you all are having a fantastic day.
I hope you all enjoyed!
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