Playtoy - Kol

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Kol's P.O.V

"Hello lo- what's wrong?" He questioned you as you stood at his doorstep in tears

"I love you, Kol,"

"Deep down I've always known I loved you but I didn't want to say it out because I know you don't feel the same. Me telling you what I'm about to tell you won't make a change but it keeps eating me up and I have to tell you."

"I love you, I have since the moment I met you. I've wanted to tell you so many times but I always talked my self out of it. I had you even if it wasn't in the most ideal way but I still had you in some kind of way and I didn't want to risk losing you. And now, I still don't want to lose you but I also don't want to be a 'quick fuck'. I don't want to be one of your many playtoys. I want to be with you, only me, you, and no one else. I love you Kol." You confessed

When you turned around to leave, Kol spoke up, "You're wrong."


"You said that you know I don't feel the same, you're wrong. I have never in my one thousand years of living ever felt this strong about someone. I wanted to hide my feelings so I had other girls but never once have I ever thought of you as one of my 'playtoys' as you liked to call them. I want to have a relationship with you, just me, you, and no one else. I love you."


"Really." Kol grabbed you by the waist and kissed you passionately


I hope you enjoyed!

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