Werewolf - Tyler

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''Hey babe, are you going to that party tonight?" You asked when you reached your boyfriend Tyler's locker

Once you asked that question Tyler visibly tensed up.

"P-party T-tonight? Isn't there a full moon tonight?'

"Yeah, people are saying that David is throwing a party at one of the swimming holes. And yeah there's a full moon tonight, is that a proplem?" You giggled

"No, not at all! No problems here-Problem free zone!"

"Well okay...You should totally come! We don't even have to go swimming, we can just sit around a bonfire.'

"A bonfire? In the woods? Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Tyler said, looking a bit uneasy

"Maybe, but aren't you the one always telling me to stop being such a goody-two shoes?"

"Yes I am. But i don't think that possibly starting a fire in the woods is what I had in mind."

"Please, please go with me." You begged


When you and Tyler first arrived at the swimming hole everything was going great. But that was when you first arrived. After a hour, Tyler started acting strange. You didn't think anything of it at first but when Tyler started to frantically looking around while panting almost as if he was a dog. You knew something was wrong.

"Tyler are you okay? Do you need a drink or something?"

"I'm fine, can we get out of here?" He snapped

You were surprised he spoke with such force and anger. Yes, Tyler had anger problems but he never took them out on you.

"No, we've only been here for an hour! I want to stay."

"No we're going, now!"

Without waiting for a response Tyler grabbed you wrist and forcefully pulled you through the woods.

"Tyler! Tyler let go of me! Were are we g-" You stopped talking when you realized that Tyler stopped at the Lockwood Cellar.

Tyler was struggling to open the Cellar doors. He was struggling to control his breathing. He was struggling to do everything

"You need to get out of here!" He said In a angry but urgent voice

"What? No! You just dragged me all the way into the woods and now your telling me to leave?! What the hell is going on?"

"I thought I could get you to safety but I was wrong! You need to leave!"

"No! I'm not leaving! We need to get you to hospital, you are barely breathing!"

"LEAVE!" Tyler roared

And that's when you saw it. You saw a Big Ol Dick

(Jk I'm playin)

And that's when you saw it. Tyler's now yellow eyes stared intently out you, he bared his razor sharp teeth at you, claws started showing, hair was starting to cover his body.

You were frightened to say the least. But you knew that your questions could wait, you obvious needed to help him.

"Tyler let me help. And don't argue with me, just tell me how to help you." You said as tears threatening to spill out of your eyes

"I-I need you to t-take me to the down there. And l-lock me up."

You nodded and quickly started to bring him down the stairs.

Chains that's the first thing you saw.
You shot a uneasy look at Tyler but he silently nodded and told you to chain him up.

Bars. That's the only thing that separated you from you werewolf boyfriend.

At first you thought you were going crazy. But you weren't. Tyler Lockwood, your boyfriend is a werewolf.
It didn't take you long to piece it together.
Full moon. Claws. Rawr. Werewolf.

You though that werewolves only existed in bedtime stories. You thought they were only used to scare you to go to sleep early. But no. They're real.

Seeing your boyfriend screaming in agony as every single bone in his body broke, was real. It wasn't a bedtime story, it wasn't a dream, it was real.

You woke up looking at your surroundings, remembering the events that occurred last night.
You quickly got up and open the gate to see your Naked boyfriend in the fetal position

"T-Tyler?" You softly spoke

Once Tyler woke up and registered everything that happened the night before, a horrified expression took over his face

He abruptly stood up, concern evident in his eyes as they landed on you


"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked looking down

"You know?"

"Of course I know! I spent the whole night with you!"

You flinched away as he tried to grab your arm

"That's why! I didn't want you to be scared of me, but now you are."

"I-I Could've helped you. You could of just told me and I wouldn't have forced you to go to that party. You wouldn't have had to suffer that pain for however long. How long has it been, since you've been a werewolf?"

"Look, I will answer all your questions later but please forgive me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to see my differently, I didn't want you to be scared."

"Tyler, I could never see you any differently. Yeah, this is a huge surprise. But, I still love you and nothing could ever change that."

You pressed a kiss to his lips

"Plus, it's cool having a hot werewolf boyfriend! Every teenage girls dream!" You both laughed

"I love you so much, come on let's go!"

"Um you should probably put on some pants, you're naked..."

"Oh right..."

A/N: Two updates in one day?!?! Yeah I love you all that much

This was kinda last minute but I hope you liked it.

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