It's for the best - Damon

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A/N: Damon and Elena never dated

Am I the only one that didn't like the way Elena acted in the first couple of seasons?

He looks at her as if she's an angel.

Once she comes around, he instantly smiles even if he's in the worst mood.

He will drop everything to help her.

It's her, it has always been her.

It's obvious, he loves her.

It's obvious, Damon loves Elena.

In a way, you always knew he did. But you hoped, you hoped that just maybe you two had a chance. Just maybe he would love you like you love him.

But all that hope was shattered when you saw him at the grill with Elena.

No, no, he wasn't cheating. Damon is a lot of things but he isn't a cheater.

You saw something much deeper, much more passionate.

You saw the way he looked at her. He was looking at her as if she was an angel. He looked deep Into her eyes almost like he was lost in them. He listened intently to every word her mouth spoke, making sure he didn't miss anything.
He looked in love.

After watching Damon and Elena, it was time. You didn't want to do it. You love him. But you need to do it.

"Damon can I speak with you for a minute?" You spoke softly. It was almost inaudible but you knew he heard it

Damon looked over at Elena, almost like he was asking her for permission to go with his own girlfriend.

He looked back at you nodding slightly. You gently took his hand, leading him to the back so nobody could hear you both.

This had to be done. In order for you both to be happy, this had to be done.

You grabbed both of his hands and looked deep into the blue eyes that you have grown to love.

"D-Damon we should break-up." You spoke trying to blink back the tears

"W-what? We can't break-up."

He was sad. It hurt to know that you are the reason that he's sad. But that sadness will soon pass and he will soon learn that I did this for him. I did this so he could be happy

"Let me rephrase this. We need to break-up."

"Why? Why do we need to break-up? I love you, please don't do this."

"Damon! Please don't make this harder on me than it already is. Trust me, I don't want to do this. But it has to be done. In order for you to be truly happy, this needs to be done. She is your true happiness."

"W-what? Who is she?"

"Elena! Don't try and deny it. I see the way you look at her. I see the way you act around her. Heck, everyone can see I it. You love her. She can make you happier than I ever will."

"No! I don't love her! I love you! I will stop hanging out with her if you stay with me, please stay with me."

You sighed and brought your hand up to his check, caressing it softly.

"Oh, Damon. Yes you do. Deep down, I know you do. This is for the best. I can't keep sitting back, watching you fall in love with her more and more everyday. It hurts me. It hurts me to know that you will never love me like you love her. So, I need to do this. I'm doing this for the both of us. I'm doing this so both of us can be happy."


"No Damon! Go to her. Go to Elena. Go to the person that you truly love."

You pressed a soft kiss to Damon's lips.

"I will always love you." You whispered against his lips

And with that you left.
You left your first love.


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I have never written a sad imagine before, can you even count this as sad?

Yeah but I wanted to try something different.

Should I do more imagines like this one?


I love you all so much and I hope you're enjoying these💖

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