Don't walk out that door - Stefan

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Requested: @ArianaAzlin
It's 4:00 am. What am I doing?
"I couldn't leave if I wanted to
Cause something keeps pulling me back to you
From the very first time we loved
From the very first time we touched
The stroke of your fingers
The scent of you lingers
My mind running wild
With thoughts of your smile
Oh, you gotta give me some
Or you could give it all
But it's never enough, no

There's an energy
When you hold me
When you touch me
It's so power-"

"Okay. Okay, Ariana." Stefan laughed from beside me

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Salvatore. Is my amazing singing becoming too much for you?"

"No. Your horrible singing is becoming too much for me."

I playfully gasped, "Take that back!"

"Sorry, Ari. I was told never to lie."

"Really? Who told you that? The vampire gods? Always keen on drinking blood but never on lying." I said, shaking my head

Stefan laughed, "We're are almost there."

"Where? You never told me. You just barged into my room demanding that I pack some clothes because you were taking me somewhere. Is the vampire gods against kidnapping? Because, that's exactly what you're doing. You are breaking the rules. Bad vampire."

"I didn't kidnap you!"

"I beg to differ. So, where you taking me?"

"Your families lake house."

"Wow. You kidnapped and you're bringing me to my own lake house. Smart."

Stefan sent me a wide smile, "We're here. Help me with the bags, goof."

"Big bad vampire needs my help. I feel honored." I put my hand over my heart dramatically

"You know, when I said, 'Let's have some fun.' I didn't mean: Let's play twister
I meant: let's get drunk and have sex" I muttered

"Oh come on! This is fun." Stefan smiled

"Yeah, okay. How are you going to spin the spinner? You kinda can't move."

"Um, yeah, I can spin it. Just give me a sec...let me just get my leg over here. I got it! I got-oh shit." Stefan caused us to come crashing down on each other

We laid on the ground in a fit of laughter when Stefan got a call. "Um, do you really need me? I'm with Ariana...yeah, I'll be there."

Stefan grabbed his coat, "Where are you going?"

"I know that we came here to spend time with each other, and don't get me wrong, I want to spend time with you. It's just, Elena's in trouble and she really needs my help." Stefan rushed out, grabbing both my hands

"Wow. Of course."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you serious? You know what? Forget it. Go save your precious Elena. Like you always do."

"Ari, I really have to go. I can't keep playing this game."

"Then don't! Just go."

"What's your problem?"

"How stupid do you think I am Stefan?! Every time I'm with you it's: Elena. Elena. Elena. Oh, Elena's in trouble? I have to rush and help her. You still love her!"

"I don't love her! I love you! I've told you this a million times!"

" You don't love her?"

"I don't."

"Then prove it."

"How?" He stared at me with confusion

"Don't leave. If you don't love her then don't walk out that door."


"No! You want me to believe you? Don't walk out that door. Let Damon handle Elena."

Stefan walked towards me while taking off his jacket, "I mean it. I don't love her."

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss, "Let's go watch that sappy vampire movie that you love." Stefan said, causing me to giggle


Lol Taylor is a little snakey snake

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