Mikaelson ball - Kol

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Requested: @AmberBryant429

"Hello love!" You heard a excited British accent once you opened the door.

"Hello Kol! You seem awfully cheery." You giggled s little

Kol looked you up and down. You had a beautiful red ball gown that flowed nicely and fitted you perfectly. Your dirty blonde hair was also in beautiful curls that complemented your appearance perfectly.

"Well why wouldn't I be cheery? I will be having the most beautiful girl known to mankind on my arm tonight." Kol stated as he held out his arm for you to take

You blushed a deep shade of red  and said, "Thank you Kol. And you look very handsome tonight."

You slipped your arm in his and you were off to the Mikaelson ball

Flash Forward to the ball

You and Kol arrived at the ball and as expected he was flirting with other women. You knew this would happen but you had a tiny piece of hope that he wouldn't flirt with anyone but you. And you also knew that you shouldn't have had any hope at all. This is what always happens. You go somewhere, anywhere and Kol is always flirting with women. It pains you to watch him but you love him. Have you ever admitted that you loved him? God no. You are afraid that he doesn't feel the same way. After all you do have a right to feel afraid. If he flirts with other women than he must not love you. Right?¿

You left Kol alone a few minutes ago to go to the drink table and get a cup of water. While you were standing by the table you as expected saw women come up to him and flirt and him flirting right back.

You started to see the women around him feeling him up. Were you used to the verbal flirting? Yes. Were you used to the physical flirting? No not at all. Nobody ever touched him in any type of sexual way.

You started to get really upset as you saw all the women touching him and the worst part was he wasn't even pushing them away or telling them to stop

As if he sensed that you were upset he looked up at you and his smile instantly dropped as he saw the tears that unconsciously fell from your eyes

"I can't believe you." You whispered almost inaudibly but you damn well knew he heard you

Before he could even do anything you ran out of the Mikaelson house and to your favorite spot, the forest...the spot were you and Kol had your first date.

You knew it was a bad idea going there, it would only make you feel worse. But this was the spot that you always went to, to clear your mind and just relax.

A part of you wanted Kol to come find you and tell you that there's nothing to worry about. But you knew that wasn't going to happen so you settled with the part of you that just wanted to be alone.

After a few minutes of you laying on the grass and staring up at the stars you heard the familiar British accent they you have grown to love.


You ignored him

"Come on love. Don't be like this, please tell me what's wrong." He said as he sat beside you

You sat up and looked at him like he had two heads

"What's wrong? Are you seriously asking me "what's wrong"?  Those women were flirting with you, touching you. And the only thing you did was flirt right back. If you don't want to be with me than just tell me. Don't lead me on."
You said as you started to tear up.
You got up ready to walk away when Kol stood up and gently grabbed you by the wrist

"Wait! I didn't-."

"You didn't what? You didn't mean for it to happen? You didn't know what was happening? Huh? Don't dare lie to me! This isn't the first time someone has flirted with you and you flirted with them. You do it all the time. And it pains me so much to watch it all go down but I don't break up with you because I - I - idk anymore just leave me alone."
You said and once again tried to walk away but once again he grabbed you by the wrist

"Please before you say anything just hear me out. I have never been so scared in my life. I have never had the feelings that I have for you, for anyone else. I feel the need to always protect you, take care of you, worry about you. And that scares me because I never knew one person can impact me like you do. You care for me, you worry about me. And I have never had anyone do that for me. And it scares me that you will soon see me as a monster like everyone else, and you will leave me like everyone else. And that's why I do what I do. I push you away because I don't want you to see the real me and I don't want to hurt you. And I know that, what I just said is no excuse for the way I treat you because I have no realized that flirting with other women is hurting you more than anything and hurting you is what I'm trying to avoid.
Love, please believe me. I really do care about you. I - I - I love you, I love you more than anyone, I love you with all my heart. And I will stop doing what I do because I don't want to loose you."

Tears were now falling down not only your eyes but his eyes

"Y - y - you love me?."

"I understand if you don't love me back-."

"No, no I do! I'm in shock, you've never said "I love you".
I love you too! I love you more than anything! And I promise that you will never ever loose me. Just please stop flirting with other women."

"Of course! I will do anything for you."

You were so touched by the words he spoke that you couldn't contain your happiness.

You crashed your lips into his and you both shared a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Amber!" He said as he dazed into your beautiful blue/green eyes

"I love you so much more Kol!"



I'm so sorry you had to wait so long but here it is! I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully it's what you imagined it to be like!

Thank you everyone for reading. Please vote and comment! 💖

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