I'm sorry - Kai

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Requested: @ShawtyBad20

"It's hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember."


"I love you, Tiffany."

I will never forget that night.
The night my best friend was murdered.

The merciless look on Kai's face when he saw his brothers lifeless body on the ground.

My piercing scream when I saw my best friend have his life taken away from him.

The doorbell ringing brought me out of my depressing thoughts.

Just the person I wanted to see

I started to close the door but he stopped it, "I know you don't want to see me right now or probably ever but please-please just hear me out."

"What do you want, Kai?"

"To talk."

"Yeah, because I totally want to talk to my best friends murderer ."

"I'm sorry! Okay? After the merg-"

"Don't. Don't say it."

"I started feeling things.  Things that i've never felt in my life. I was actually sorry for what I did. And-and this liquid! It just stared oozing out of my eye!"

"Tears. You were crying."

"Look, I feel so guil-guilty for what I have done. You have to believe me! I am truly sorry."

"Why did you do it?"

"Why did you kill my best friend? Your brother!"

I ran past Kai. I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't stay with Kai anymore.

Luke was dead and no apology will e-please ver be able to change that.

I stopped in the middle of the woods and sat down. I ran out of breath, partially from crying and partially from running.


"Geez! Why can't you just leave me alone already?"

"I care about you!"

"You have some way of showing it." I scoffed

Kai sat down next to me, "I'm sorry."

"Stop! Stop apologizing! It's not fixing anything."

"It will get better."

"That's what everyone says. They always say it's going to get better but it never does. Because guess what? Every time you even get a step closer to getting better, something reminds you of why you were so broken in the first place. And there you are, broken into a million little pieces...again."


"Where am I?" I rubbed my eyes and shot a confused look at Kai

"Your dorm."

"What happened?"

"When you tried to walk away from me, you tripped and fell."


"Oh. Thanks for brining me back to my dorm, I guess."

"No problem."

"So...when you said you cared about me. Did you mean it?"

"I know it's hard to believe but yes I did mean it." Kai leaned in and kissed me

Well that escalated quickly

As much as I wanted to pull away, I couldn't.

I can't deny that I was never attracted to Kai, who isn't?"

Despite everything, I didn't want to pull away, His lips were intoxicating. But, I managed to build up the will to pull him away when he started to pull of my jacket.

"Kai, we shouldn't."

"I understand." Kai laid down, cuddling with me.

"I really am sorry." Kai whispered in my ear before I fell asleep



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