Always and Forever - Elijah

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Requested: @oceans_daughter_3


The major parts of my life have been planned out since I was at least 5.

I was going to graduate highschool on an all A honor roll.

I was going to go to college and graduate with a Criminal Justice Degree.

I was going to get a steady job.

I would meet someone and I would start a family.

People often found it weird that I planned my future out but It wasn't; at least to me anyway.

I have a plan and this wasn't apart of it...

"Miss Y/L/N I have some news; you're pregnant."

"That's impossible."

I kind of have a vampire boyfriend

" you's not impossible.

"Excuse me? Can you please say that again."

"I um accidentally...artificially inseminated you with a mans sperm."

(A/N: tried to put a photo but it isn't loading)


"Ma'am please calm down. I-"


"I'm sorry, I really am. I was having a bad day and I know that's no excuse for what I did to you-"

"Exactly. It's not an excuse." You said and then stormed out of the Doctors office


The reaction.

Most of the time when people find out that they're pregnant, they are more focused on other people's reactions.

If they're happy, you're safe.

If they're angry, you're screwed.

That's exactly what you are; screwed.

You didn't have to wait to see what Elijah's reaction would be in person. You knew he would be mad, maybe even sad. No matter what the circumstances are.

It's now or never

"Elijah, are you in here?" You questioned walking into the library

"Yes. How was your doctors appointment, love?"

"About the appointment, I have some some news,"

Elijah gave you a questioning look, "I was told that I was accidentally artificially inseminated."


Silence is never a good thing, especially with Elijah. He was angry, who wouldn't be?

"I know that it's not the most ideal situation but we can work something out, right?"


"Elijah please say something."


"Okay I-I understand." You whispered while wiping your away your tears

"Wait. Don't-don't go." Elijah's voiced stopped you from walking out the front door

"You're right, it's not the most ideal situation. But you have a plan and apart of your plan was to have a family. I could never bless you with having the chance to carry your own child. But now you do, you have a chance. And even though this is hard for me, it would be selfish for me to strip away that chance."

"Elijah, I understand if you don't want to stay with me anymore."

"You didn't let me finish,"

"You're my family and this baby growing inside of you is my family. I don't leave and give up on my family. I love you. Always and forever."

"Always and forever."



I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have state testing and ugh I'm so stressed.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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I really appreciate all of you. Thank you for the votes/comments and followers :)

It's given me a real boost of confidence when it comes to writing. I personally think I suck but I guess people out there actually do like what I write.

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