Will I Ever Be Happy? - Klaus

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Requested: @amyyyyyyycat

"Caroline. Is. Dead."

Three words.

Three words is all it took for your world to come crashing down.
Three words is all it took for you heart to break into a million pieces.
Three words is all it took for you to bolt out the door.

You didn't know where you were going. You didn't want to know. All you wanted to do was get out of that suffocating house.

Finally after 20 minutes of continuous running, you collapsed.

You were trying not to cry.
'Caroline wouldn't want you to cry' You kept repeating in your head
'Caroline would not want you to focus on the bad'
'Caroline would want you to celebrate the wonderful times you had together, Caroline wouldn't want you mourning her'

After a few minutes of giving yourself a pep talk, you had yourself convinced that you wouldn't cry, that is until you looked up.

When you looked up you instantly broke down. This place held so much memories. You couldn't believe that you subconsciously ran to the spot that you and Caroline first met, the woods.

"AMY!" A deep voice yelled

"Amy! What are you doing out so late?"

Hearing Klaus's familiar voice brought you out of trance.
You looked around and realized it was night time. You have been standing in the middle of the forest, daylight until night.

"Oh um-um I-I didn't realize t-that, it was just T-hat s-she -our-" You were so distraught over the news that you couldn't even form a correct sentence without completely breaking down

When Klaus realized that you were crying, he was hugging you in a flash

"Hey-hey it's okay. I know what happened, you don't have to talk about." You were used to this side of Klaus. You were used to seeing him so caring and loving. It was a rare side of him that he only seemed to show to you

"B-but I want to talk about it. I just want to get it off my chest."

"Okay, than we will talk about it. Sit." He gently pulled you down, both of you now sitting on the forest floor

"This is were Caroline and I first met. Five minutes into meeting her, I told her all my secrets, secrets that I've never told anyone before. She gave off such a happy and loving vibe. She was the kind of girl that you could talk about anything to and she wouldn't judge you. She was my bestfriend and now my bestfriend is go-gone."

Klaus took both of your hands in his, "I know that she meant a lot to you. I'm sorry that you lost someone so dear to you. Love, I just want you to remember that you can come talk to me, I know what it feels like to loose someone. Just know that you will soon be happy."

"Will I Klaus? Be happy? I have lost so many people, too many to count on one hand. I don't think I know what happiness is anymore."

Klaus instantly cupped your cheek and planted a long tender kiss on your lips.

"I love you." He breathed


"I know, I know this is horrible timing but I just need you to know. I have loved you for a long time, I was just too scared to admit it. I want to make you happy, I want to be the reason you still have hope for happiness, I want to help you, I want to be the reason you smile."

"I love you too, Klaus." Smiling

"Do you want to go?"

"No, can we just stay here for a little bit? Please?"

"Yes, of course. Take as much time as you need, love."

Not the best chapter ever. I'm still trying to work on the whole "show and don't tell" thing.

Sometimes when people send me in requests I won't use everything but i just ask for it, just Incase.

I hope you enjoyed!

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I read some comments and they were hilarious

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