You can't help everyone - Elijah

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Another Saturday night spent alone. It seemed like spending your nights alone has become a new tradition for you.

It never used to be like this, usually you would spend your nights with Elijah. But lately Klaus has been in a wrong place and who is the person that always feels the need to help? Elijah.
You love that Elijah loves to help people. You admire how he will just drop everything to go and help the ones he loves. Even though you love it, you hate it. Elijah goes a little overboard and try's to help everyone. He will feel terrible and blames himself sometimes for not being able to be successful and help everyone.
It hurts you to see him beat himself up over not succeeding to help someone. You've tried to explain multiple times that some people need to figure things out for themselves and not everyone can be helped but as always, you're ignored.

"Hello, Love." A sad voice was heard throughout the house.

"Hel- oh my god, what's wrong." You said looking at a teary eyed Elijah

"Kla-Klaus he-he won't accept my help. He won't stop creating Chaos and I don't know what to do anymore. I've done everything in my power to help him and none of it is working."

Elijah seemed...broken. You knew that Klaus meant a lot to Elijah, you just didn't know that Klaus's actions would affect him in such a way.

"Oh baby, I know that what I'm about to say is probably something that you don't want to hear but you need to hear it. You can't save everyone-"


"No! Listen to me! You can't save everyone. Some people need to figure stuff out for themselves and save themselves. Klaus is one of those people. He needs to learn what he is doing wrong and fix it, by himself. I know that you like to help people, I admire that about you but not everyone can be helped by other people, they can only help themselves. Okay? Stop trying to save him, it's hurting you more than him."

"But, he's my brother. I can't stand to see him like this."

You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck

"You tried everything you could and that's what matters. Klaus needs you to be his brother not his savior. Everything will turn out right, you just need to give it time."

"I love you so much, I have no idea what I would do without you."

"I love you, and let's hope that you never have to find out."

I hope you enjoyed! I started writing this at lunch. At first I was going to write something else but than this idea was better than the other one. Anyway I hope it was good and made sense!

I want my imagines to be long but not too long, so is my imagines a good size or do you want longer ones?

What should I call my readers?

Bye, I love you

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