Jealous - Stefan

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Ever since you and Damon started to hangout frequently, you noticed that Stefan was getting really clingy. He would follow you everywhere, when you had to go to the bathroom you had to literally push him out. He always wanted to cuddle, he would hold onto you tightly, almost like it would be the last time you saw each other. Whenever you went out, Stefan would always tag along and stay by your side at all times. He would constantly tell you he loves you. You found it cute that he was starting to get more and more affectionate but you soon got suspicious. Whenever you and Stefan went out, he showed huge amounts of PDA, which was rare for him, he usually just hold your hand. Whenever you both were home alone, he was always by you which was again rare, you both would usually give each other space, you weren't the type of couple that always had to be by each others side to know that you love each other.

His new actions gave off this kind of vibe like he needed reassurance that you still loved him or that he still loved you.

"Hey babe?" You said, bringing your head up from it's previous resting position on Stefan's shoulder.

You decided that you were going to confront Stefan about his recent behavior and get to the bottom of why he was acting this way.


"What has gotten into you lately?" You question

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. You have been really clingy and affection. You're rarely like that."

He abruptly stood up as if he was angry at the words that you spoke. "I thought that's what you wanted! But I guess I was wrong. I guess you rather have someone else show you affection because obviously it's annoying when I do it!" Stefan started pulling his hair which was a sign that he was frustrated.

He turned around ready to leave until you grabbed his wrist pulling him back.

"What are you going on about? I'm not saying it's annoying, I think that it's cute. And what do you mean that I rather have someone else show me affection?"

He stayed silent.

Stefan staying silent really worried you. He always liked to talk, he always made sure that the conversation was alive so nobody got bored.

"Come on Stefan! Please tell me!" You pleaded

Stefan looked up at you with watery eyes, "You have been hanging out with Damon so much and I got so jealous. Whenever you're around him you seem so happy, you seem happier with him than you do with me. So, I thought that if I showed you a lot of affection that you wouldn't want to leave me. I love you so much and the thought of you leaving me is unbearable." He said full on crying

You were somewhat happy that he was jealous but heartbroken that he would ever feel this way.

You held both of his hands and stared deep into his eyes, "Stefan, I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen to me good. I would never leave you! Yes, Damon makes me happy. But just because he makes me happy doesn't mean that you don't. I love you so much and I wouldn't even dream about leaving you. You make me the happiest girl in the world. And I don't need you to show me affection to know that you love me, all I need is you by my side. All I need is you."

By now not only was Stefan in tears, you were in tears.

You both slowly leaned in and shared a passionate kiss.

Stefan pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours.

"All you need is me?"

"All I need is you!"

Holy shit, I am so proud of this and it's really rare that I'm proud of something that I wrote.

I hope you all enjoyed!

Isn't it so hot when a guy admits he's jealous?

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PS: I don't reread my work so if I mad a mistake feel free to correct it.

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